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Drive for June 2023

Started by B.P.Bird, June 17, 2023, 17:22:56

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Hello Everyone,
What with one thing and another I have failed to give Terry anything about 'Drive for June 2023' for ACtion, however as the drive operates somewhere in mid June and adheres to the 'No Plan Plan' the lack of a reminder is really rather in character.
To recap, for those less familiar, the idea is to go for a drive, as once you did, remembering that special person no longer with us. Perhaps taking one of their favourite routes and calling in to a well remembered watering hole. Some of us take a run in a small group, some alone with their thoughts - it matters not, we all celebrate those miles and those memories from our motoring past.
This last year is especially full of A.C. memories as we have said farewell to some great characters who drove many a highway and byway behind that wonderful art deco AC badge:

Tony Morpeth
Stewart Brown
Ron Mulacek
Terry Rodgers
Frédéric Delaere
Frank Ashley
Antoine Prunet
Alan Blunt

So take a drive in your A.C. (for those poor souls bereft of an A.C. any lesser car will do) remember them and remember your own and last of all, when you get back home and the car is garaged and slumbering again, give a thought to your chosen charities and make a gift. There is a special Just Giving page, if you wish to use it, where the gifts will go to Alzheimer's Research UK:

Have a lovely drive, see you on the road


I managed to hit on a wonderful day's weather for my drive. We travelled this scenic road many a time, it seems a long while since. Here is a picture:

This is CRS 9520 at Tap o' Noth, on the Cabrach, A941, which runs through the hills all the way from Rhynie in Aberdeenshire to Elgin in Moray. Such a magical experience, on near deserted roads, that I decided that this would only be Part I of my 2023 Drive for June. Part II was even better, more of which in next month's ACtion.
I hope other's drives have been as moving and rewarding - do share


Nice one Barrie. Wish there was at least one drive with my Ace in the last 7 years that would not remind me of the people gone.


Yes Thomas I know what you mean. One aspect of life which cannot be escaped. However there will be many, many memories which are happy and you will find yourself driving with a little smile