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ACOC International 2024 - Andermatt (CH)

Started by MkIV Lux, June 07, 2023, 09:11:02

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MkIV Lux

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For ACOC Members:
As already published in May ACtion, the 2024 International is being organized in Andermatt (Switzerland). See attached.

Todate already half of the available hotel rooms have been firmly booked and the 10% discount is secured. So if you intend to enjoy driving Swiss Alps' passes with ACOC friends, don't wait to book. The detailed program will be published later.

We look forward to an exciting tour on winding roads in the Swiss mountains.

The Swiss Alps (Andermatt)
ACOC International 2024
10-14 July 2024

Andermatt is a lovely small village located in the middle of four alp passes. It will be fun to drive some loops around Andermatt via Susten Pass, Furka Pass, Grimsel Pass, Oberalp Pass, Lukmanier Pass, Nufenen Pass and Gotthard Pass (new and old road, better known as Tremolo).

Hotel Crown Andermatt 
Gotthardstrasse 64   CH-6490 Andermatt
phone: +41 79 810 08 04   email:

(available 19 rooms, costs around CHF 290.00 per double room/2 guests/night incl. breakfast + CHF 18.00 parking garage/night, 10 % discount as more than 10 rooms already booked by the club)
Code word for booking: ACOC International 2024

Provisional program (changes may occur, further details will follow):
10.07.2023 afternoon: arrive at Andermatt
11.07.2024 Day 1: Oberalp – Pass, Lukmanier Pass, Gotthard – Pass, Andermatt 
12.07.2024 Day 2: Furka Pass, Grimsel Pass, Susten Pass, Andermatt
13.07.2024 Day 3: Gotthard Pass (Tremolo), Airolo, Nufenen Pass, Furka Pass, Andermatt
14.07.2024 after breakfast: depart from Andermatt

For registration: 1st book your hotel room; 2nd send an email to incl. your details: mobile phone, name of participants, car model & registration number.
Additional costs for lunch, dinner, drinks, entrance fees, guided tours or similar will be calculated later and published through ACtion including the bank account details for transfer. Total costs can only be calculated when the final number of participants is known but be aware that Switzerland is expensive. Dinner is around 70+ CHF pp and a bottle of wine should be 55+ CHF, a beer is 5-6+ CHF.
If there are questions, please contact the organization gang 8): Jürgen, Ursula and Constant ( or

MkIV Lux

From mid- to end- of last week, Ursula, Jürgen & I were checking out restaurant venues for the 2024 International in and around Andermatt, Switzerland.
We also took the opportunity to ride up and down on the Gotthard-, Furka-, Tremola (old Gotthard) & Susten- Passes, under perfect weather conditions. It is promising to be a great time for AC owners to enjoy the roller coaster rides. Having had 2 all too different cars for our test, one modern and very powerful (>400 hp), one some 20 years old with moderate power (135 hp) but happily revving and lighter, we encountered a vehicle from remote times that made us come to the following conclusion: if a 5 hp stage coach is capable of mastering the Tremola, then any AC in working order will have the stamina to go through the 4 days of happy motoring over the 9 passes that we will have on the menu in July 2024!

If you want to join, hurry up: to date, there are only 4 hotel rooms left.

MkIV Lux

MkIV Lux

Latest programme update:

10.07.2024 Arrival early afternoon in Andermatt (altitude 1442 m); walking guided tour of 1 hour around town at 17:00 h; dinner at "Crown Hotel" 19:00 h

11.07.2024 Day 1: Andermatt => Oberalp Pass => Lukmanier Pass => Via San Gottardo with lunch break at "Grotto-Pescatori"  in 6745 Giornico =>Tremola (old pass) => Andermatt 
Dinner at "Naturstűbä" in Zumdorf 1, 6493 Hospental (transfer by coach)

12.07.2024 Day 2: Andermatt => Furka Pass, visit ice cave => Grimsel Pass => Susten Pass with lunch break at "Gadmer Lodge" in 3863 Gadmen => Andermatt
Dinner at "Gasthof zur Sonne" in Andermatt (2 minute walk from Crown)

13.07.2024 Day 3: Andermatt => Gotthard Pass, visit Sasso del Gottardo => Airolo => Nufenen Pass, lunch break at "Die kuhle Beiz"(on traditional working dairy farm) in 3999 Oberwald => Furka Pass => Andermatt

Transfer by rack & pinion railway to Nätschen, dinner at "Alp Hüttä" (altitude 1850 m); return by coach.

14.07.2024 Day 4: departure after breakfast

MkIV Lux

Looking forward to a true international in Andermatt, with teams from the UK, Germany, Switzerland, France & Luxembourg, in a colourful mix of a variety of ACs.

MkIV Lux


waiting list has been opened for the unlikely event that one or the other of the current participants would have to refrain from attending