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AC Owners' Bulletins, screen visor, badges, etc for sale on Ebay

Started by Lisee61, May 19, 2023, 20:23:16

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Hello there, I hope it is acceptable to let members know that I am selling my late father's AC owners' bulletins, car visor, etc, on Ebay.  Just wanted to let members know incase anyone is a collector or just interested.  I am selling it as a 'lot'.  My father had an AC Ace and we lived near to the Thames Ditton premises.  He raced the car once, if I remember correctly, at Silverstone.  Included is the screen visor from the car, badges, bulletins and other leaflets etc.  Again, I hope it is acceptable to put this on the forum.  Apologies if not!  Thank you for reading  :)
Ebay Item number: 334879100820


Hi, so sorry about the circumstances that these items are for sale, but I will be bidding.
My Dad is in the 1968 edition, so I'd love to have a copy, plus the other pieces are cool. 👍🏻