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Sadly I have received my last ACtion.

Started by GSouthee, May 17, 2023, 15:54:12

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Whilst the forum offers a more or less immediacy in how members can interact sitting from home, it suffers from a certain ephemeral vibe that afflicts most if not all Internet-based ways of communications.
It seems to me that ACtion has always encouraged the authors of articles to go in a certain depths within the topics/stories they were writing about, as one may probably expect anything to be actually written and printed to be of higher quality that what we may and do read on the Internet sometimes, notwithstanding the effort we all make to keep the content on here of generally high quality.
I do hope that members will keep writing for ACtion on topics that go a bit deeper than the usual technical chit chat.

I know it's a cliché, but may I also state that before stating that the club does not offer what we expect from it, we should perhaps question ourselves in what we could bring to it. Just like with life in general people who bring the least are very good at complaining the most.



I agree to a point but, the Forum is far from ephemeral as all content is on here for as long at the Forum runs. Yes, content maybe less detailed than the printed format, however, the quality however short is usually good and often supported by photo's.

It is well known that I have little interest in ACtion and the majority of the content, it does not mean it is not for all, maybe members like to see all the same adverts for ACOC events month on month, but as I say each to their own.

Quote 'I know it's a cliché, but may I also state that before stating that the club does not offer what we expect from it, we should perhaps question ourselves in what we could bring to it. Just like with life in general people who bring the least are very good at complaining the most.'

I may moan, but, I have put some effort in to club, I have assisted at the Sprint, Offered my services to the club to assist in organising Le Mans trips. I even put my self forward to a position on the Council. Oh and yes it is a cliché.

I do not suggest that the club does not offer some what they want, just that it has nothing for me at this time.

A car is only original once, but, you can modify it as many times as you like.

My car my rules.


I have come rather late to this discussion, being one of the largely silent majority of club members and a fairly infrequent user of the Forum. However, I'm concerned at the impression that Eric might have formed from the various exchanges here, and I would like to offer him as reassurance that having been a club member of nearly 40 years, I have found it to consist of a very welcoming and friendly body of people. I have nothing but gratitude and praise for the officials who have freely given their time in the efficient running of the club's affairs. The international and national events that we have attended have always been most enjoyable with an excellent mix of motoring and socialising with friends. In the south midlands we have a monthly social gathering to which all are welcome. I really don't recognise the suggestion that the club is Cobra/Ace-centric. "Action" always carries a range of topics with a major feature being John Spencer's delve into the archives which pre-date those models. Any model bias in what gets posted on the forum is presumably simply a reflection of the numbers of those models built and thus owned by club members. There are always members willing to offer help and advice in resolving problems with ownership of our cars.
Hopefully Eric will make up his own mind about the value of having joined the club and will not be influenced by any negative views expressed by others.
Phil Jones


I totally agree with psjsam, being a member of over 50 years the club official's do an excellent job

Eric Lipper

On the opposite side of the issue I got my first Action and I can say well done.  Everyone has a different perspective on these sorts of things but as Abraham Lincoln said "you can please some of the people some of the time but you cannot please all of the people all of the time."  Enjoying my Mark IV and wish the pond was not so big.


Glad you like your MkIV Eric, they are great cars, utterly usable.


Gary we all have the rights to our own opinions.
You seemed to enjoy the hospitality within the ACOC and AC Club de France enclosure at last weekend's Le Mans Classic. You appeared happy to take advantage of our pre-ordered ticket package with a special Clubs Only infield car pass for your AC 2 Litre Saloon allowing you to park in the ACOC Enclosure.

The basic stats for the ACOC Le Mans Classic tour were:
2   x Chateaux exclusively booked for the ACOC members
15 x Ferry tickets Portsmouth to St Malo return available at discounted price to ACOC members.
44 x ACOC members participating in the tour, with 25 cars of which 12 were ACs.
46 x ACOC and AC Club de France members attended a joint dinner on Friday night at a restaurant in Arnage with complimentary Champagne courtesy of Robert Sarrailh and ATS Le Mans.
33 x ACOC members enjoyed Sunday evening dinner at one or our Chateaux.

That all took a lot of organising and our AC Owners Club goes to great lengths to provide excellent value at this and other events which are available to all of our members. It is a shame if you no longer wish to be part of it, but perhaps you will have second thoughts. You may also have noticed a few younger members and sons of members turning up at Club events. The age demographic is a problem with all car clubs these days and is an issue which the ACOC is trying hard to address.
Take care,  Andy.

Robin A Woolmer

It is unfortunate that now a none member freely uses the facilities of the Club in spite of criticizing it & preferring to be a member of a so called better club, yes he should re join the Club as suggested if he expects to benefit from it!


Hi Andy

Yes I did indeed enjoy the hospitality of the ACOC members in the club enclosure.

I do not agree with the comment 'You appeared happy to take advantage of our pre-ordered ticket package with a special Clubs Only infield car pass for your AC 2 Litre Saloon allowing you to park in the ACOC Enclosure'. I was actually still a member when the tickets were ordered and as such was entitled to do so.

I am sure it was a lot of hard work, which as you may recall I did offer my assistance, but was not taken up on it.

Anyway glad to see a nice range of cars on the enclosure as stated in the bit on the Le Mans classic post above.


I have never said I have joined a better club just one suits me. I do not consider your opinion of any consequence to me. I did not expect to benefit from using the facilities of the cub, I paid for the use. Now I must move on.

My views are my own and should not affect any others, Each to their own.


A car is only original once, but, you can modify it as many times as you like.

My car my rules.


I enjoyed meeting with Gary on Friday morning at Le Mans Classic who showed me around his neatly-upgraded Saloon and I consider the defection of a proper hands-on enthusiast a significant loss to the club.

However one thing I would like to say at this stage is that the Internet does not allow some communication nuances such as the tone and irony to pass through and requires a high level of restrain as we post that I have always found somewhat frustrating - it's just not like we can chat on here like we would around a dinner table after the umpteenth glass of wine, for instance.

I would strongly encourage Gary to join back and show us through articles in ACtion all the things he has done to upgrade his car. It really is not that difficult. If a basic foreigner like me can write several page articles every now and then then that should not be too much of a problem for a proper English chap who has proper technical things to say rather than just tries to say something. Come on Gary, we know you can do it and do every one and yourself a favour. Continued engineering and developments are what our cars need to keep going strong and hold the AC name well high in the motoring hall of fame.


TTM, you are so right about the internet losing the nuances of face to face conversation. In my message to Gary, I tried to describe the Le Mans package which was offered by the ACOC to its members, and quantify the number of happy souls who enjoyed their experience.
I spoke to Gary in the ACOC Enclosure and was glad to see his 2 litre Saloon there. I would much prefer that he continues to be an ACOC member and makes a positive contribution to the Club. He has every right to his own opinions, but doesn't appear to value the enormous amount of hard work done by a small number of people, all for free, for the benefit of the membership.
Sadly I have a bit of a problem with the word "entitled" when benefitting from the efforts of unpaid volunteers. I don't tend to talk a lot, but just get things done without any expectation of reward and I always end up out of pocket. Maybe that's just the way I am, and I certainly do not criticise others who freely do the same for me. I am sure there are others who could do a better job than me, but when I look round for help those who talk the talk are nowhere to be seen.

Having already organised 3 ACOC trips to Le Mans Classic, I would love to hand over to someone new. Please form an orderly queue and register your application for the job!


Quote from: shep on July 05, 2023, 11:41:42Having already organised 3 ACOC trips to Le Mans Classic, I would love to hand over to someone new. Please form an orderly queue and register your application for the job!

I suppose a local could be appointed volunteer... apart perhaps from organising ferry tickets? To be discussed  ;)


Steady Thomas! Yes we can discuss 2025 whenever you like and I am happy to help with ferries or whatever I can.   Many thanks.


Andy and anyone else who reads this.

I have always valued the work done by the volunteers, never have I said otherwise.

As to your comment 'but when I look round for help those who talk the talk are nowhere to be seen.', if you had taken me up on my offer of help with the Le Mans trip on this last occasion and that in 2022, but alas not not taken up by nor even acknowledged by you, you would not feel this way. I emailed you directly and made the offer on here on the Forum, as well as to the current Chairman.

As to my comment re entitled this was in relation to being entitled to be able to take up the offer of booking trip packaged tickets as a member at the time.

I hope that if a queue is formed to take over the organizing of the trip in future it is acknowledged and taken up instead of being ignored.

I may well re-join the club in the future if it seems to me to offer something I think is for me. I hope it will.

I wish no-one any ill will nor ever have, I know the current chairman has a lot to do, along with the council to bring the club into the 21st century. I wish all well.

Thomas nice to meet you and many thanks for your comments and maybe if I return to the fold I may do a bit in Action, but I wont hold my breath.

Take care
A car is only original once, but, you can modify it as many times as you like.

My car my rules.