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2023 Blue Ridge Soiree Cobra Tour

Started by rr64, May 17, 2023, 15:48:47

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This past May 7 through May 11 Tom Cotter and Jim Maxwell hosted another back roads of America driving tour. This year's tour included a number of 1965-67 GT350s as participants. We had eight Cobras, three 427 Cobras, one 289 Sports that was purchased by the owner's father new less engine and transmission new and completed by Holman-Moody in a 427 Cobra style configuration, two 1965 MUSTANG GT350s, three 1966 MUSTANG GT350s, and one 1967 GT350. One of the 1965 GT350s has been in one family since new.

The event called the Blue Ridge Soiree Cobra Tour 2023 included about 750 miles of driving spread over four days along the Blue Ridge Parkway. (North Carolina USA with very short time periods in Tennessee and Virginia.) Altitudes driven through ranged from a low of 1,300 feet above sea level to a little over 6,000 feet.

One of the rest stops along the mountain ridge. AC Cars vehicles wise from left (in the distance) to right (closest to viewer) with some of the longer away from homes mentioned: CSX3204, COX6126 (transported from New York), CSX2045 (transported from Washington State), CSX2551 (trailered from Montana), CSX2321 (trailered from Missouri), CSX2490, CSX2401, CSX3245, CSX3139, CSX2177, and CSX2181 (transported from Kansas). CSX2497 (trailered from Ohio) was also part of the tour but had not reached the car park yet as Shaun and Sue Lowry follow tours with tools to help anyone that may suffer a breakdown during the drive sections.

Sunday evening started out with rain and it rained briefly Monday morning before the day's driving but over all the weather was great and the parkway had not filled up with summer season tourists yet. Most of the drives were under 35 mph or 45 mph speed limits through the park. (None of the cars dissolved in the rain Monday evening.)

Shameless self-promotion, our red car CSX2551, during a stop. Yes, the tour was FUN!

Dan Case
1964 Cobra owner since 1983, Cobra crazy since I saw my first one in the mid 1960s in Huntsville, AL.

Cobra Ned

Those are always fun tours, and I would have loved to have joined it, but circumstances prevented it. Maybe next year! Glad to hear everything went well!