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Smart/"AC" yet again

Started by Mark IV, December 08, 2006, 17:53:58

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Originally posted by Mark IV
Please draw your own conclusions, I offer no comment.......... ...

   Is this really the future for our beloved marque?
   The AC name licensed to a re-badged cast-off? Oh dear.


Ignoring the issue of using an AC badge (to avoid being rude) why oh why did they use the 'Ace' name YET AGAIN..?! Is it beyond the whit of man to come up with something new?? So that will be at least four Ace models out there - how many more? This displays a total lack of imagination.

Mark IV

Originally posted by Trevor Legate
Is it beyond the whit of man to come up with something new??  

   On advise of counsel, I respectfully decline to answer that question.[:0]
   Rick   (keeping his mouth shut....NOT easy!!!)


Originally posted by Mark IV
Originally posted by Trevor Legate
Is it beyond the whit of man to come up with something new??  

   On advise of counsel, I respectfully decline to answer that question.[:0]
   Rick   (keeping his mouth shut....NOT easy!!!)

   Come on Ricker.... we`re not talking a specific Man here..... get it off your chest! [:p][;)]
   Kimber failed to resurrect the MG line and although Daimler Chrysler have big plans for their 'current' Smarts, including breaking the US market, the version that Kimber have taken on will have a target audience for whom the AC name and reputation mean little, if not nothing. Is it (speculating, not stating a fact, thanks, counsel!)possible that the licensing of the AC badge is intended to keep the Maltesers afloat? [?]
   How`s about a name brainstorming session. I`ll kick off with:
  • AC Appendix
  • AC Divot
  • AC Bullfrog
  • AC Capricious

   Pray continue.


Hours of fun Nik - how about a small Festive prize for the winner?
    * AC Revival
   or keeping the ruddy 'A' thing going:
    * AC Afterthought  (too close to home?)
    * AC Anticlimax (a bit Freudian)
    * AC Alien      (a bit Sigourney Weaverish?)
    and so many more....!!!


I, for one, hope the Kimber project comes to fruition with the AC badge on the bonnet.
   Let it be called an Ace. The AC Ace name will not suffer and if anything will add more to the past as well as to the future. It will bring the model, its history and the marque back into a high profile. Well, if it goes pear-shape, so what, we will we all say 'I told you so'. But until that happens it has my thumbs-up.
   Nik, if it a licensing issue for the Malta team, well good luck to them, if it means the Mk V will develop and we see it on our roads I cannot see anything wrong with that. If it was your business and someone wanted to license your brand name I'm sure you would not pass it by.
   I don't know any young petrol-head who the Kimber AC would appeal too that does not know the name AC. I'm sure the Kimber promo material will give some sort of history.


Originally posted by terry3000me
I, for one, hope the Kimber project comes to fruition with the AC badge on the bonnet.
   Let it be called an Ace.... It will bring the model, its history and the marque back into a high profile. has my thumbs-up.
   Nik...If it was your business and someone wanted to license your brand name I'm sure you would not pass it by.
   I don't know any young petrol-head who the Kimber AC would appeal too that does not know the name AC....

   I too hope it`s a success, and indeed, the licensing of the name is (I presume)good for 'AC', but I would guess a lot of potential cutomers aren`t 'Petrolheads', based on the fact that some of the (admittedly, not many) Smart owners I know fall into the category of 'Don`t really want a car, but if I must have one, it should have a low environmental impact and might as well look a bit funky too...' sort of thing.
   I used to think that any publicity was good publicity, but the recent AC-related stories(Connecticut move, Malta move etc) all seem to have a negative bias.
   It would be good to see things moving in a positive direction.
   The best publicity for AC I`ve seen recently is the M&S Credit Card ad, several people asking me what the gorgeous car is, Ace Bristol  being the answer!
   For the benefit of those who can`t watch UK TV, watch it here:


Many thanks for the link to the M&S advert. I tried without success to record it as it was my car they used. I think I'll wait to see if the new Ace materialises and comment after seeing in the flesh.Tony Michaels


Don't make too many assumptions about Smart owners, nikbj. There are some lurking here... Like me - I have had many great cars over the years, including two wonderful AC's. But one of the most fun cars I have ever had is (well, actually the wife has it unless I can prise the keys from her!) a Smart for 2 cabriolet. Brilliant car, brilliant piece of clean sheet design and great fun!


Tony, I`ll trawl through some stuff I`ve recorded, I`m sure the ad is there somewhere, and if it is, I`ll send you a copy on DVD. Qutie a few people asking if it`s a Healey or (of course, had to happen) Cobra, in fact M&S told someone that it`s a `64 Cobra, but unfortunately won`t be for sale in stores!
   Keith, apologies about the generalisation!
   I had a Smart as a holiday hire car a few years ago and I did like it, not tried the Roadster though. I`ve seen a Brabus one, now that`s a cracking little thing!
   It looks like Kimber are closer to getting this together than they were with the MG project, now having Gordon Murray on board to lead the design team, but there have been no updates on their website since August...

Mark IV

   If I "licensed" the AC trademark to put on, say a re-badged" Perdua, would it be a "real AC"?
   I know coming from me that this sounds like a smart-arse question, but it begs a real point. If the survival of AC depends upon being produced and sold as a brand with no AC DNA or production content, is it an "AC"?
   Also while "Project Kimber" features the AC logo now on the website, I have seen no press release from them regarding the brand nor any further PR flak from AC's "dear leader" regarding this deal. One would think they would be promoting it. I guess I just don't understand. Over to you Trevor.


Rick, would you be the "AC Smart-Ace" Registrar? [B)](pronounce it how you like!)
   It does seem a parallel discussion to the Shelby Dodge Charger issue, no?
   If the licensing deal is between Kimber & 'Acedes Holdings, LLC', rather than 'AC Cars Manufacturing(Malta)' or 'AC Advanced Vehicle Technology Ltd.' maybe the income won`t directly impact the Malta production line....


Oh thanks Rick..!!  Poisoned chalice time. Funnily enough, you just beat me to the "DNA" observation - my thoughts precisely. I have just got back from a little light Christmas shopping (it's the wife - she expects pressies!!) and a black Smart Roadster drove past and I pondered in my wisdom - exactly what part of that is an AC? (To the average auto enthusiast, slapping a prancing horse badge onto a Mazda MX5 ain't gonna turn it into a Ferrari)
   I also agree regarding the deafening silence emanating from Malta about this magnificent deal. Strikes me as odd, but there you go. Much of the AC history post-1996 has been a trifle odd. Not that I am criticising, being a humble snapper and writer who knows nothing of high finance and the dark art of shifting money around. Those are some of my thoughts - I assume this forum exists to permit people to think out loud, especially those who really did care for the business once known as 'AC Cars Ltd'. But we live in different times now, like it or not.
   Another thought Nik - I wonder if the Project Kimber folk think they are recreating the right Ace, having seen the M&S ad? No, probably not, but I know which car will have more style....

Mark IV

AC Advanced Vehicle Technology

   Now THERE is an oxymoron![:D]
   Thanks for the registrar offer, but I think I'll pass. I would rather be the Mamba registrar, only one mock-up to count and keep track of![:0]