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16/80 Competition Pre-sale Inspection

Started by ian wayne, March 01, 2023, 22:47:22

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ian wayne

Hello all,
I just this morning had an offer accepted on L593, and am quite chuffed.  Looking forward to having it keep Ace Bristol BEX430 company in the garage.
Curious to know of any recommendations for someone knowledgable in this model, who may be willing to have a look at the car.  Not so much for any mechanical or safety issues, as I believe I have a shop arranged to handle those.  More with an eye to correctness in regards to finishes, trim, assembly, etc.  The car is located in Oxfordshire, and of course I would gladly pay for this service.


Congratulations!  When the restoration of L593 was completed it was reputed to be as right as it could be.  You could contact the ACOC PVT registrar for his opinion - details are in ACtion.

ian wayne

Thank you.  I did have a very nice talk with Steve Hall today, and he pretty much confirmed your opinion as to the car's quality.  That was enough for me, and now it's just down to getting it transported to (formerly) sunny California!