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AC Cobra 289 Glovebox

Started by StuB, February 16, 2023, 20:02:28

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I have a question on the glove box lid/door.
How is the piping formed around the edge? It look like a single layer of leather.
Is the piping separate or sewn into the facing?
Does the board on the inside sit flush or is there a further filling to prevent it pressing in?
Hopefully some ideas have attached as an image.

Klassik Metall

The piping is made from a separate strip of leather, which is sewn onto the main piece that's covering the front of the glove box door.
This is similar to what's shown in the middle diagram from your examples. The only difference is that the main door covering leather
section is trimmed off just behind the stitching and is not wrapped and tacked around the rear face of the door. Also the piping leather
is skived down to the minimum so that the two layers tacked to the rear of the door are only 1mm thick. Due to this section being so
thin there wasn't any need to pad under the inner covering board.

I posted some photos of an original 289 glove box door in an old thread here.

I hope the above helps,


Thanks Luke,
I know it's only a minor detail but it was bugging me.
I'll do a practice run now see how it goes.