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small a c bonnet and boot badges

Started by Baz, February 04, 2023, 16:45:42

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anyone got or knows where to get the small ac badge as fitted to mk1v boot & bonnet , Must be desirable as some kind soul borrowed mine


AC Heritage or Redline would be my first try.

I think the badges are also used on the ME 3000 door, if they are also used on the AC 428 grill and C-pillar area must be checked. At least the 428 badges look the same.
Everything should be made as simple as possible, but not simpler!


The originals were made by Fattorini who are still in business and may still have  the dies.  As the trademark is owned by AC, reproductions can only be commissioned by them - perhaps you could persuade AC Heritage to have a batch made?


thanks for your replys will follow up suggestions