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AC Car Registry

Started by Andrey1976b, December 28, 2022, 10:17:21

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Auto-Carrier Delivery Van #n/a


Auto-Carrier Delivery Van #n/a


Auto-Carrier Delivery Van #n/a


Christ almighty how many ruddy pictures are there going to be.

Why not start your own website or facebook thingy.

Or get a life!

A car is only original once, but, you can modify it as many times as you like.

My car my rules.

Old Crock

Quote from: GSouthee on December 30, 2022, 11:01:14
.....get a life!

Why do you insult him? He is offering a register of cars which is of historic value, both now and in the future. You may not be interested in the history of a given car, or the model range, but others, automotive historians like myself, are. This project, and Andrey, should be encouraged. Also, why do you insist on calling him Audrey, his name is Andrey. Already there are vehicles shown here that are not in the ACOC archive. A good job could be done in this project and, as said before, the discussion is which information it should contain and where it can be stored.


Hi Old Crock

Firstly that was not an insult merely a suggestion, as surely there is more in this life to do than post an inordinate number of pictures on the Forum.

I do have an interest in old vehicles, however there is a place for this sort of information. Such as a dedicated forum page, a stand alone webpage, Facebook etc etc etc

Posting all these pictures uses up a lot of space. Also, as has been mentioned there may be copyright issues.

As to calling him Audrey that is my error, the eyesight not being what it was. Andrey it will be.

So Andrey, perhaps you should look at the options available to you to post this information, if a single picture is indeed information ,as it has no accompanying detail of use.

Have a good day and a happy new year.

A car is only original once, but, you can modify it as many times as you like.

My car my rules.

Old Crock

Andrey, here's a suggestion.

Why don't you contact the webmaster to see his response to having a separate section in the website. It could be worded something like 'vehicle archive' or 'model registry'. The photos could be a starting point with information (= whatever agreed) added about the vehicle (being as complete as agreed e.g. using a template). This could be amended by the forum user, including past/current owners, registrars, archivist, just as the website Wikipedia does – this would automatically show the amendment date, so future researchers, of a given car, would know if it was up-to-date information or years old. This section could become be a valuable resource.

If this has extra costs to the club, needing approval, then the idea put to the ACOC Council. If rejected, then consider a separate website.   


For me an "open" registry" on this forum is an absolute no, something I feel strongly about.
Others are welcome to post their personal information but its not for me.
As I reside in a country which is more open than most I'm not about to share details that are best kept in a secure register such as the one the club
administers. I am willing to share my reasons but not on this open forum, the forum administrator is welcome to contact me.

A happy and prosperous New Year to you all!
"Blessed are those that don't ask for they shall not receive"

Old Crock

Quote from: paho on December 31, 2022, 12:48:22
...Others are welcome to post their personal information but its not for me.....

Paho, please read my posting again. There is no suggestion of including personal data. Indeed, the ACOC would not do that (being at risk under the 'Data Protection Act' of the UK). The listing I'm suggesting would be for the individual cars and models, not the person. I have a vintage Bentley here, and take a look at this that we have

and see what is possible for the Bentley is full of excellent information and searchable by model, chassis number, engine number, body builder etc. This is not the only site for searching marques -  AC could become another one!

Relax, Paho, your 'personal' data would be safe....


Sorry "Old Crock", but the layout and information on the Bentley site is exactly what I am afraid of. If you lived where I do you would understand why. At least the registers on the AC Owners club site are restricted to members and follow GDPR requirements which is why I agreed to the terms. This forum is open to all and sundry, which I think is great, but it has its disadvantages!

I enjoy reading your contributions, so don't stop!
Have a great New Year!
BR /Paho
"Blessed are those that don't ask for they shall not receive"


Sadly the Bentley site (which I think is great) is no longer being updated as the "owner" of the site decided to retire. Hopefully what is there will remain for a while, but sadly will then be lost.

I don't know where paho is based, it would be interesting to know where and why the suggested site could be threatening.


Hi Jam2,
as long as you promise not to publish the information I can explain why I'm not prepared to have my personal data published in a register on an open forum.
You can contact me via the forum's e-mail feature. I'm traveling at the moment but will get back to you.
"Blessed are those that don't ask for they shall not receive"


Quote from: Old Crock on December 31, 2022, 10:05:28
Andrey, here's a suggestion.

Why don't you contact the webmaster to see his response to having a separate section in the website. It could be worded something like 'vehicle archive' or 'model registry'. The photos could be a starting point with information (= whatever agreed) added about the vehicle (being as complete as agreed e.g. using a template). This could be amended by the forum user, including past/current owners, registrars, archivist, just as the website Wikipedia does – this would automatically show the amendment date, so future researchers, of a given car, would know if it was up-to-date information or years old. This section could become be a valuable resource.

If this has extra costs to the club, needing approval, then the idea put to the ACOC Council. If rejected, then consider a separate website.

Yes, I wrote to the Administrator, but there is no answer yet


Quote from: GSouthee on December 30, 2022, 15:41:19
Hi Old Crock

Firstly that was not an insult merely a suggestion, as surely there is more in this life to do than post an inordinate number of pictures on the Forum.

I do have an interest in old vehicles, however there is a place for this sort of information. Such as a dedicated forum page, a stand alone webpage, Facebook etc etc etc

Posting all these pictures uses up a lot of space. Also, as has been mentioned there may be copyright issues.

As to calling him Audrey that is my error, the eyesight not being what it was. Andrey it will be.

So Andrey, perhaps you should look at the options available to you to post this information, if a single picture is indeed information ,as it has no accompanying detail of use.

Have a good day and a happy new year.


I have pages on Facebook and Instagram, but the information is here.

And I need information

I understand your concern for personal data and I will not disclose it. Although only the name of the owner and the city are indicated in the club's register. With such a volume of information, it is difficult to find a person even in our time.


Auto-Carrier Delivery Van. Plate #1214