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Wanted: Superblower handbook

Started by SB7015, October 28, 2010, 01:06:50

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I am trying to source a Superblower handbook. Any assistance would be greatly appreciated.


I have the SUPERBLOWER sales brochure ?


I have an original Superblower handbook which I am happy to copy if that is of any use to me. Let me know.


Thank you for all your responses of assistance. Someone has offered a pdf scan of a Superblower handbook which is so very much appreciated.
   Malcolm (Superblower 7015)


Quote from: SB7015 on November 07, 2010, 22:54:17
Thank you for all your responses of assistance. Someone has offered a pdf scan of a Superblower handbook which is so very much appreciated.
   Malcolm (Superblower 7015)
Malcolm, would you still have a copy of this you could share?


Paul H Mundy

Hi David,
Following Malcolm's request (13 years ago !) it was myself that provided the pdf handbook copy from SB 7002 which I owned until 2018. I am sure I will still have a copy somewhere so by all means pm me.
