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I see from Action and the Council minutes that.....

Started by GSouthee, October 23, 2022, 14:38:38

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The club had a better balance at the end of July this year compared to last year.

The sprint is going to make a loss AGAIN. However, it is the jewel in the crown of ACOC events according to write up on the sprint. Must be a small crown, as far as I can see only 10 AC owners took part in AC cars. So, with 557 members that means that 1.78% of the membership took part. The council are proposing a membership cost of £5 to £10 to assist in covering the loss and that of the extra cost of Action production.

Now, maybe the best way of reducing Actions costs is to go to a bi-monthly magazine? more time for better content, then maybe it would be 'exceptional quality'.

Another is to cancel the sprint, make those who want to take part, pay for, move to a cheaper location. Not charge the other 98.22% of the membership for the honour of the elite few to take part. Then we would not need a safeguarding officer.  Or how about a track type day for club members only, those who don't have access to racing suits/licences etc etc it could include a BBQ and even be part of the National? I wonder how many members actually care about the sprint? a poll perhaps or is that stretching democracy too far?

There are a number of vacancies in the club that need filling however the council think adding 2 more posts would help eg  an events coordinator and a safeguarding officer. Ho hum good luck with filling those posts as well.

Le Mans 2023 is closing in on us and not seen much action re that, seems to still be in discussion.

Ah maybe I am just old and grumpy and wittering.


A car is only original once, but, you can modify it as many times as you like.

My car my rules.

Big col

Neither wishing to put coal on the fire or dowse it down,

The sprint may only have a few AC's participating but how many go to watch / support.
The location is hardly central but regarded as a quality venue
A National /Track day may well suit car owners but not necessarily their entourage.
Would different tracks be used each year as like a national ?

Personally I like the idea of the sprint but feel it is not for me as its a long way to go in a pre war AC from the north not to be able to go on track. It may be too much of an ask to allow none competing AC track time in order so more would wish to attend. It does involve a vast expense to visit for many that are not close.

Can the Sprint be considered to be like Opera. Generally only patronised by the few but supported with money from the masses due to its cultural importance.
I might be rough but I'm slow as well.


The AC Marque has a huge sporting history, from Brooklands in the early 20th century to the Goodwood Revival 2022. You name it, and AC have been there, Monte Carlo Rally, Le Mans 24 hrs, World Sports Car Racing, they have always produced winning cars. The AC Owners Club has organised many events each year for members to use their cars as they were designed, including Hill Climbs, Auto Tests, Races and Sprints. The Club's most prestigious event has been their Goodwood Sprint, which in the past has attracted a paddock full of ACs. Sadly as the value of the cars has increased at about the same rate as their owners have aged, the ACOC Sprint has needed to invite other like minded clubs to take part in order to keep the event viable.

Our traditional November date had suffered from bad weather for a couple of years, so we tried something different and took the September slot a week before the Revival Meeting. We now realise that in September many of our regular competitors are still racing in other series, or preparing for the Revival itself. For that reason and influenced by the Covid pandemic, our numbers have been down for the past 2 years causing a financial loss, as the VSCC and other Clubs had meetings which clashed with our September date. By going back to November we may have to take a chance on the weather, but will be assured of a much better list of entries.

This year the event was rather low key due to the death of Her Majesty the Queen, but we still managed a great turnout of Acecas, and in the past we have seen Aces, Mk IV Cobras, Brooklands Aces, 3000MEs, PVTs, 2 Litre cars and vintage ACs. It is a shame that unlike the Bentley Drivers Club so few sons and daughters of AC Owners take part, as that is how we could ensure the future of such events. It would also be a shame to lose our only remaining competitive event and with it our reason to belong to Motorsport UK, which keeps us up to date in the 21st Century.
I believe the plan is to give our Sprint one more try in 2023 by reverting to our November slot at Goodwood, and maybe to share the organisation with another Club. If we can make it work as it has so many times in the past, then we can decide about 2024 and future events. If it doesn't work then I fear we will have to cancel future sporting events which will put the ACOC on a death spiral. To keep an event running is so much easier than starting from scratch, and once we lose the kinetic energy we have built over many decades, it is unlikely to ever resume.

For that reason, I would ask all those who love their cars to come along, encourage your friends, sons, daughters or grand children to get involved and enjoy our wonderful AC cars as they were designed and not as museum pieces.


PS. Might I suggest that for the current £45 a year, all ACOC members receive 10 fun packed colour ACtion Magazines, the opportunity to join other members at a Dinner Dance, a National Meeting at an interesting venue with Concours, an International Meeting in Europe, A fully inclusive Classic Le Mans trip, A Peaks and Dales rally, free Technical support, commissioning of spare parts, reserved space at Silverstone Classic and other events like Hampton Court, and and and! It makes my GRRC annual membership of £315 look rather steep! AMOC is £95 and Porsche Club GB is £75. I think we get amazing value for money and if any members would like to give their time to organise additional events like track days and BBQs, all they need do is say so. I am sure the ACOC Council will take their offer seriously. Andy.


Hi Andy

I am not sure that cancelling the Sprint will cause the ACOC to go into a 'death spiral'. A but over the top me thinks. I just do not understand the dire need to have a sprint at Goodwood for the select few participating cars. I do think that a joint effort with another club might make it more viable.

Your comment 'The AC Owners Club has organised many events each year for members to use their cars as they were designed including Hill Climbs, Auto Tests, Races and Sprints.' may relate to Ace and Cobra cars, but not all AC were designed for racing. In fact, I am not sure the original Ace cars were designed for that reason.

AS you know I have assisted in a  couple of the sprints and attended as a spectator. I missed this last one as was away on holiday touring Cambridgeshire and Linconlshire in the Ol Girl.

Also I do not disagree with you about the £45 membership cost, it is good value. What I disagreed with was the need to raise the cost to supplement the Sprint for the few! and to help with printing costs of ACtion, I have made a suggestion to David about reducing the publication of Action to a bi-monthly magazine and along with putting the minutes on the website this would reduce printing cots. |And, your right GRRC membership is steep, but the Earl needs it ;)

Take care and see you at Le Mans.


A car is only original once, but, you can modify it as many times as you like.

My car my rules.

Robin A Woolmer

The AC Sprint was always held in high regard by the members of the VSCC & felt it was better run than the VSCC Sprint which was generally two weeks earlier.
November was & still is a risky period for weather, so moving it forward was a good move except it is at risk of clashing with other events.
As a spectator i do enjoy the event particularly when some of my friends competed in some interesting cars.
It would be a loss to not have the event, if a more suitable date could be found which does not clash with the other major events but in earlier months for better weather it would be great!
I do not believe the AC Sprint is well advertised so maybe it could be so in the VSCC, Frazer Nash & Aston Martin clubs.
Goodwood is a great venue even though a bit expensive to hire, the Club should continue with the Sprint.

On the topic of AC Monthly magazines, i do not believe it should be changed, it is well produced & presented, it does however need more input from the owners & specialists!
Most other clubs with the exception of the Frazer Nash club are considerably more expensive, the VSCC stopped supplying monthly magazines & fees cost about £100, the Aston Martin club at similar cost does provide monthly plus periodic quarterly magazines also it is supplemented by the Company output, cars are generally more valuable & higher volume of members which is still building as cars are still sold new!
The AC Owners Club needs more owner/Member activity & input, it is a great small club & needs more input on pre war cars from owners.
