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AC Ace Bristol's at Le Mans 24hr... 57-62

Started by AC Ace Bristol, August 29, 2010, 13:13:48

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   Come on John ! I'm not ready yet...


Hello, me again..!
   BEX 1192, Le Mans 1962
   Georges, 50 years ago !
   copyright racebears UK

AC Ace Bristol

Louis M
   Long time no Hear.
   Hows the research re:- History of Ace racing at Le Mans 24 Hour..[;)]
   Any updates since May 2012 [?]


Hello Keith, thanks to wake up the thread.
   Some Le Mans Classic 2012 shots to wish you a Happy New Year...
   BEX 289:
   FS 50:
   David at work:


Hello all,
   Happy new year to all members and AC Bristol fans, looking forward to seeing many of you at Le Mans Classic in July...
   For today a very nice little video from Girling Company, shot during the 1959 Le Mans 24 Hours. Be watchful at 5'20", I have posted it to John Deveson and he has never seen before such a long piece of video of 650 BPK.
   Enjoy !


As a very amateur model builder I have been researching the Gachnang Aigle AC and have found a RACE TIME photo of #30 with the "VD2065" plate clearly readable. This can be found on the // site - with patient trawling through the results of a search for "le mans 1960". It was taken by George Phillips and copyright is reserved.
   I hope this is helpful.


I dont know if this thread is still live. I can confirm that its Arthur Harwood sat on the rear (Its my dad!)