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Le Mans Classic 2023

Started by GSouthee, October 19, 2022, 19:19:18

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Hi do we know if the club is intending to do the Le Mans classic this coming year?


A car is only original once, but, you can modify it as many times as you like.

My car my rules.



I see Andy is collecting names for the Classic 2023.

Let's see if we can a wide variety of cars to turn out. Maybe some more of the more obscure cars. It is not that onerous drive down to Le Mans if going by ferry either as per the club's normal route or Seahaven-Dieppe.

Hopefully some pre-war PVT cars or post war 2 Litres, 3000ME's, Greyhounds, Fruas etc etc as well as the Ace/Cobra derivatives.

See you over there.

A car is only original once, but, you can modify it as many times as you like.

My car my rules.


Hi Gary,
So far I have about 10 cars and 14 people who have replied to my request. The dates will be 29th June 2023 to 3rd July 2023. I have booked our 2 Chateaux as usual, but I was waiting for some feedback before booking tickets and ferries as I don't want to expose the Club to losing money on unused tickets. I'll try to get down to ordering tickets in the next week.
Cheers, Andy.


Hi Andy

Sounds positive so far.

Lat me know when you payment for tickets.

We could do with a nice range of cars, so come on fellas get in touch with Andy and book a place to show the AC cars off, lets get a Buckland, Vintage, more 2 Litres, etc etc.

Hope you had a good un



A car is only original once, but, you can modify it as many times as you like.

My car my rules.



Anyone know if the AC parking area is the same as last year on the Bugatti circuit?


A car is only original once, but, you can modify it as many times as you like.

My car my rules.

Robin A Woolmer

I presume AC Club Parking is for members!



I presume you are correct!, however the question was as above.

So, unless you know the answer I suggest you leave it to someone who does.

A car is only original once, but, you can modify it as many times as you like.

My car my rules.

Robin A Woolmer

You are probably correct, but as you have, i understand decided to leave the Club your questions is totally academic!


Quote from: Robin A Woolmer on June 06, 2023, 16:25:00
You are probably correct, but as you have, i understand decided to leave the Club your questions is totally academic!
Not, if Gary knows a member who is not able to ask via internet but would like to know the parking area  8)


Hi Guy's

On board ferry bound for Dieppe, Le Mans here I come.

Looks like maybe storm or two on Thurs, but who knows.

See all those going on site.

Cheers and stay shiny side up.

A car is only original once, but, you can modify it as many times as you like.

My car my rules.


Hi Guys

Great time at Le Mans and thanks to the Club letting me park on the AC pitch ;D

Cheers Andy for organising tickets etc, David cheers for still being you.

Some great cars on the pitch, loved the 37 Greyhound.

Legs got worn out walking around Le Mans, never enough time to see it all, Great night racing.

Here's a couple of pics.

A car is only original once, but, you can modify it as many times as you like.

My car my rules.


Thanks to Andy for organising the weekend - great event, company, accommodation and weather.  A view from the other end of the club stand....


Thanks to all the ACOC members who made the event such a success. There was a super display of cars in the ACOC / AC Club de France Enclosure, we had a wonderful dinner with the French Club on the Friday night and an al fresco dinner at our chateau on Sunday night. All the mechanical car problems were overcome and everyone managed to complete the trip with a smile!

MkIV Lux

Thanks to Andy for organising the ACOC venue and to Jean Berchon for the Club AC France presence.
Nice variety of ACs in the joint ACOC - Club AC France car park in the middle of the Bugatti.
Good dinner on Friday night. Could not attend the Sunday bbq as we hit the road already then.
Traffic to and from the circuit on Friday evening and Saturday morning was  nightmare and made us loose prcious time.
Having arrived already on Thursday afternoon, seize the opportunity to drive the long corcuit from Tertre Rouge to the Porsche Ss, to let my nephew get an idea of what the long circuit is about.
Great w/e in good company.