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New AC Ace RS

Started by Petey, January 17, 2022, 00:59:01

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I know, AC's shouldn't have a 4 cylinder but any thoughts on the new RS or the 140 Charter Edition? 350 hp is pretty good in a car that'd be lighter than any 8 cyl. model and would be fun to drive with the classic looks. Too bad they're alloy bodied. Are these real AC cars or is the name just licensed? Thanks, Pete


Oops. Meant to say too bad they aren't alloy bodied...



Your question can't be answered unless you define what you mean by 'real'. Once specified the facts you need are (a) in the public domain and (b) on the internet.



What I meant was, is this company just licensing the AC name? Or truly a continuation of the AC company. Thanks


Truly? Continuation? Just vs other activities? The facts you need are (a) in the public domain and (b) on the internet - see AC Cars ( and companies house (



More to the point, what the heck does the "RS" pertain to?!

If the vehicle is supposed to be a tribute to the RS-chassis numbered Aces, shouldn't the nose be the correct shape?