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ac cobra prices????

Started by gblue, November 17, 2006, 02:26:45

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   You can indeed!  Blame accepted - but sometimes you can't resist.  Do you fancy a beer sometime?


I never thought I would see this debate on the AC owners's forum.
   Is it the car or the man? For the car to be a Cobra, it must be an AC. The new CS continuation series do not have a pedigree only a name.  They are kits as all the others are. CS's series 1000 was an AC but few if any have been built. I tried to buy one. No one could produce. Anything else is a copy. Please keep in mind that CS did not build the cars but installed the engines and transmissions, marketed and support a race team with Ford's money.
   If it is the man, we all should be driving Lancers.
   On this forum, I do not think an AC basher is intitled to an opinion.
   I know what I have. ACOC & SAAC know what I have. The Real Thing!


Thank you, thank you, thank you.  Very well said.


   I'm not disagreeing with any of the above - but are you planning to attend the next SAAC convention, stand before the assembled multitude at the Saturday night dinner and repeat that out loud..?? (Please check your escape route first.) And before you ask - yes I have.....
   But if you are still in the market for a 100% genuine AC Cobra-shaped vehicle that echoes the 427S/C but was made by AC has full AC documentation, let me know as I have one (they do exist)


Originally posted by Trevor Legate
....if you are still in the market for a 100% genuine AC Cobra-shaped vehicle that echoes the 427S/C but was made by AC has full AC documentation, let me know as I have one (they do exist)

   Woohoo! We (nearly) return to thread topic related discussion! A genuine AC (can we call it a)Cobra for sale?!
   Im` sure we`d all like to see a pic or 2.
   Just wondering... if Ford Europe, after making the MkI & MkII Escorts at Halewood in Merseyside had decided to create a new manufacturing entity, Ford UK, to produce the next generation of cars at Dagenham, would they have not been allowed to call it the Ford Escort MkIII, being a different name in a different location?
   Autokraft was AC in the 80`s & 90`s.... the MkIV was neither an original, nor a replica, and their values illustrate this, by being significantly less than a `61-`68 Cobra(COX/COB included!), but notably higher than 'all of the rest'.


Dear Trevor,
   Thank you for Cobra First 40 Years. The book is excellent.
   When I was a teenager a wanted a Cobra. Not a Mustang Cobra but an AC Cobra. For some, it takes longer to achieve their dreams. I thank Mr. CS for making my dream.
   I would like to attend an SAAC convention as a spectator, not an announcer. Afterall, I am a car guy. What I see in SAAC is the fortunate few that have a vintage Cobra or Mustang. Mr. CS did make this all possible but again he is great at marketing and the car is less important. Remember a Shelby Lancer was a CSX but not a Cobra.
   Best regards,


Originally posted by SB7019
   How could Jo Schlesser win the 1965 Targa Florio in a 427 Cobra when no Cobras were even entered in the race?!   The best result was 8th in 1964 by a 289.  There was a 427 entered in the 1966 race but it only completed one lap.    It is well known that the 427 did not have any track success in any major races as it was totally outclassed by the mid engined cars that emerged around this time.  The only truly successful racing Cobras were all 289's - especially the Daytonas.

   Actually you are right my mistake, I checked and Jo Schlesser indeed ran a 427 but it was a MKII (GT40) and arrived 4th I think! Sorry, my mistake. all these years I thought it was a Cobra.
Originally posted by SB7019
   The last time I drove a Lincoln in Europe was a MkIV (no not a Cobra!) in 1973.  It was a huge laugh but totally unsuited to the roads around here.   Ford sold 6 of them in the UK that year.
   If the quality of the pre 1973 Lincolns and Cadillacs was so high can I assume that around 60% of them are still on the road, as is the case with Bentleys and Rolls Royces?  Using the same measure of course proves that the Cobra is an incredibly high quality car as I suspect that over 100% of the cars originally built are still on the road!

   You are comparing apples and oranges, Cadillacs and Lincoln were huge cars, not well suited for european roads and 70s' model were not great. However, I grew up in France in the 60s' and they were quite a few US cars on the road. Mustangs, Camaros and even Cadillacs.
   I don't know how many RR of that era are still on the roads but my guess would be that most have been junked with the exception of special interest cars (special bodied) and convertibles. Also there is the famous "Master of Darkness" syndrome, Lucas which is famous all over the world. US Cars actually start and seldom catch on fire by themselves!
   As far as AC Cobras are concerned I beg to differ on the build quality, They are nice cars but were never built to last. The Cobras are so light that if your driving is spirited the suspensions will need regular servicing and the body will develop stress cracks, also they are not always straight and alignment can be difficult. The Frua is prone to corrosion. Etc.


   I think we are in danger of agreeing with each other.  Lincolns and Cadillacs are indeed huge cars not suited to European roads.  I originally referred to them as an example of how the requirements of the two continents are so different.  This is in turn reflected in the relative values of replica 427's  version versus MkIVs on the two sides of the Atlantic.
   I also agree on the build quality of the original Cobras and was trying to make a light hearted  reference to the air cars etc that exist.
   In order to ensure that we can't agree on everything there is an often quoted fact that around 60% of all Rolls Royces ever built are still on the road.  I am not sure if the same proportion applies to the Silver Shadow but would be surprised if it is much different.   I would be absolutely amazed if the proportion were not many times greater than that of Lincolns and Cadillacs of the same era.


Ok here goes:
   there were up to 2002 10 million cadilac's alone produced, as of that date they hit their 100 year aniversary, they state that the average cadillac travelled aprox 57,000 miles in its life time, thats 57,000,000,000 miles racked up by Cadillac alone. that 57 TRILLION miles.  I will bet that Rolls Royce what ever their production figures are and it has to be not even a million cars...they dont even travel 1000 miles on the average per year.  Not saying RR is not a good car.  But just how good of quality do we need in SUCH AN IMPERFECT WORLD.
   So the moral to the story ... they had to be doing something right for 10 million people to buy them ... remember my first statement .. Americans are not all the native indians that live here.  matter of fact the indians are all gone.  A good percentage of Cadillac owners are Europeons ... so clearify for me do they appreciate quality or not ???  LOL  SO I ask again how good of quality do we need in SUCH AN IMPERFECT WORLD.


One very simple answer to your question of the price of Cobra's on each side of the Atlantic.  In the US I observed this fact ... there are at least 3 cobra's at every cruise night, at least 3 at every car show, are they MKIV's, originals, replica's, home builts, someones mom built them ..I dont know but one thing I'm sure of .. there are so many that its dosent make a MKIV stand out.  The prices are the same on any Cobra in the USA other then a Shelby Cobra Original in the USA.  They are all between 50 and 100 k.


Out here in Southern California, a professionally built Kirkham, by the likes of Mike McCluskey will sell upward of a 100K! Around 120K. Fiberglass cars between 20K and 40K. MKIV between 50K and 70K. The main problem with the MKIV over here is the fact that one has to deal with Smog laws. The car does not qualify for SB100 exemption. SB100 was a proposition passed by the California legislature (it was sponsored by a politician who built Hot Rods) which allows 500 specialty constructed cars per year to be registered according to their look or the year of manufacture of the engine. So if your car looks like a 1965 car, it is a 1965 car, thus smog exempt. With a MKIV, you are stuck with an underpowered engine (Specially the early carburated version), catalytic converters, ETC. The magic year is 1975! Any car 1975 and older does not have to be smoged, big +.


AK 1234
   It seems that we are also in agreement as you are clearly saying (twice) "just how good of quality do we need in SUCH AN IMPERFECT WORLD".    That may be good enough for you but BMW, Mercedes, Rolls Royce, Bentley, Jaguar, Lexus and many others appear to be setting their sights a little higher.  I think the pointing out the fact that Cadillac have produced over 10 million vehicles and Rolls Royce have produced far fewer (less than 100 thousand in fact) does rather amplify the argument about quality versus quantity.  BTW 57,000 multiplied by 10million is 570billion which is 570,000,000,000 not 57,000,000,000, which in turn is 57billion not 57trillion.
   Having said all that I think I am now going to follow John's (Cobham Cobra) implied advice and back out of this discussion.  You are doing such a convincing impression of George W Bush that I'm starting to worry that I might be upsetting someone who is very important.  Hope that clearifies the final position of a Europeon!
   PS If the American Native Indians are "all gone" who is it that is leasing out their land to the casino operators?


   Thank you - I think you have provided a good factual reason for the price differences.  We are fortunate over here to not have the same restrictions (though we have plenty of others).  As a result Mk1V cars of 350 + horsepower are quite common and at that level the performance is more than sufficient to provide an exhillarating drive.  The Lightweights have 345 hp  the Superblowers 320 or 350 (depending on which brochure you read) and many of the standard Mk1V's have been uprated by their owners.
   It is also fair to say that most of the replicas in Europe are obviously kit cars, unlike most of those in the US  (especially Kirkhams and Shelbys) that tend to be more faithfull in looks to the 60's cars.  As a result a MkIV will usually stand out from the crowd and be appreciated as a real AC.  Replicas tend to sell here in a range from $25,000 to $50,000 whereas Mk1V's are currently being offered at prices that start at over $100,000.


Emmanueld .. so I ask a second time whats you point .. we talking about smog laws having to do with prices ???  All I can say is my MKIV is a fine car , maybe the one you bought was the lemon of the litter. Heres one for you maybe the rest of us want a drivable MKIV to enjoy and not a loud, leg burning, overheating, rocket that you cant go on a sunday drive for 120k. Not everyone is a would be race car driver. Some just enjoy the shear agility and driveablity of a MKIV.
   SB7019 .. you win .. in your world the largest super power in the world mass produces junk.  and in your world only European Cars are high quality.
   First I dont support Bush .. but if it wasnt for the USA .. you would be speaking german and your kids Arabic.
   What I say to you is this conversation is over for me.


Emmanueld, how many times do you get slapped in a bar on a given friday nite?