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ac cobra prices????

Started by gblue, November 17, 2006, 02:26:45

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THe wretched CSX/Shelby/Original discussion will haunt the Cobra to its grave and that it a tragedy - it takes place on both sides of the Atlantic by well-meaning enthusiasts, who, deliberately or otherwise, do far more harm than good. Too often, money is at the root of the problem, maybe a little jealousy as well.
   I think the fact that the long-term SAAC Cobra Registrar Ned Scudder sold his Shelby 427S/C and purchased an AC289 Sports from the UK (and is more than happy!) speaks volumes.

cobham cobra

Hi Trevor,
   Nicely put, pleased you've stepped in to bat. I think I have explained the reasons for my veiw and pretty much said my piece, to repeat it would now bore everyone.  I like to think I'm a well-meaning enthusiast, who, (has not) deliberately or otherwise, done far more harm than good
   Good luck - John.
   Hang on a minute chaps, how about we start a separate forum for all those that like or own or have owned a MkIV, Superblower or CRS ??[;)]


Originally posted by cobham cobra
Hang on a minute chaps, how about we start a separate forum for all those that like or own or have owned a MkIV, Superblower or CRS ??[;)]

   I'll second that John [:D]

Mark IV

Yeah, we could call it the "MK IV, CRS and Superblower forum"!!!!! Oh, wait.......we did!


Hi Peter,
   You said: "Today, I would drive a Triumph TR6 if I don't have the money for a MKIV before I would spend my money on a kit-car. I know that views are different, especially in europe and USA. I am always astonished about the low prices of MKIV in USA."
   Well, I think you should have, You would be driving a car which is a quarter the price, about the same performance, from a real car manufacturer (not a replica). you see my point I hope. The truth is, the Kirkham is not a Kit-car, it is sold as a rolling chassis because of US legislation. Cobras' were imported the same way in the 60's to bypass DOT rules.
   Most reputable Cobra restorer shops in the US use Kirkham body panels and parts to restore originals because they are so good. Also why does the mark IV sells at good Kit-car  prices in the US? It is because it is not a Cobra Just a car that pretends to be. The light weight could qualify as a Cobra, but it can't be registered here for the reasons stated above! I also would like to add that Kirkham now sells Hot-Rods based on the Coil Spring Chassis which further demonstrate how good the design was. They also manufacture complete MKII leafspring chassis and bodies! So owners of real ACs' you now where to go for parts!
   To ak1234: "all I can say is the " original " cobra's were raw .. not fit to drive on the street" You obviously have never driven an original Cobra, Even a MKI or MKII is a much better handling car than the Autocraft. Weight has a lot to do with it!

cobham cobra

A politician once said "when you're in a hole stop digging"..........bored now.
   Have a good weekend - John.


Anyway to end this, If anybody is looking for a particular engine part or else, I would be happy to help!


Emmanueld .. very simple .. you dont know me .. I was 5 when I rode in all of the above, race SS FE Comets so I know a little about FE's, drove all of the above and basically have nothing to prove,  but speak from experience .. theres only 2 Originals one SHELBY AC COBRA and AC AUTOCRAFT COBRA.  The rest are replicas.  Thats ok because at SVRA if you raced a KIRKHAM would be a "REPLICA"  at NYDMV a KIRKHAM would be a KITCAR.  Sorry but the quality of a Cobra doesnt make it an ORIGINAL Cobra.  It makes it a good REPLICA.
   Last to be so kind ... if you paid the same as a MKIV for your paint job ... drop your car off in NY and I WILL PERSONALLY  paint it for 1/2.
   In closing whats your POINT ??



Originally posted by Emmanueld
By the Way, The paint of my Kirkham cost me nearly as much as I paid for the MKIV pictured above![:D]

   was the cost of the p***s extension included or excluded?


Originally posted by ak1234
Emmanueld .. very simple .. you dont know me .. I was 5 when I rode in all of the above, race SS FE Comets so I know a little about FE's, drove all of the above and basically have nothing to prove,  but speak from experience .. theres only 2 Originals one SHELBY AC COBRA and AC AUTOCRAFT COBRA.  The rest are replicas.  .
   In closing whats your POINT ??

   Ron, my point: Dream Dream! The only real Cobras are the CSX2000 and 3000 series, all the others are replicas, the AKs' are not even Cobras, they are too far from the original! I am not saying they are bad cars, but because they had to meet DOT and emission regulations, they have become fat and the original spirit of the car has been lost. But if you like it, fine with me, enjoy and dream you are in Cobra land. Anyway, the price of these cars speak for itself! I think we should change conversation, it starting to look like a Pantera thread![:D]


Your right we all have the right to have difference of opinions.  One thing we dont agree on is this is far from a Pantera thread ... sorry.  That your dead wrong about.  No arguements there.


as I said before price and quality dont make it an AC.  You cant change one thing the serial # of an AC.


The only real Cobras are the CSX2000 and 3000 series, all the others are replicas, the AKs' are not even Cobras, they are too far from the original!

   Not true. What about the 'COB' and 'COX' cars manufactured by AC for the British and export (excluding US) markets in the 1960s. Are you telling me an AC 289 Sports is not a real Cobra?


   I think these are real Cobras' but according to the Shelby American Automobile Club they are not, here is a quote from SAAC' website:
   "The definition we use to identify an original Cobra is one which was, 1) built between 1961 and 1968, 2) at the direction of and under contract from Carroll Shelby/Shelby American Inc., and 3) sold by Shelby American or one of its franchised dealers. The only difference between original Cobras and CSX4000 and CSX7000 cars is the time frame in which they were built (1). However, all three factors separate Shelby's current cars from all the rest of the Cobra replicas, AC MK IVs, COB/COX continuation cars, etc. So, to our way of thinking, the current crop of Cobras are genuine but are not original."
   As I said before, to me if the car was manufactured by AC under it's original mgmt it's a Cobra so MKI, II and III qualify, COB and COX cars included. If the car was not manufactured by the original AC company or has been altered, it's a replica or a look alike. A kit-car to me is a vehicle which has been built using a different chassis, components from other cars such as suspensions from MGB or Mustang II but loosely resemble the real thing! I think this is a no brainer.
   PS. I think the new Shelby continuation car should be labeled as replicas as well since they were not built by the original AC company, and I have argued that in the past with them!
   It is a question of money, Shelby American tries to sell it's cars as real Cobra to maximise their potential buyer appeal. Even the fiberglass cars qualify.
   You know, arguing over this is rather silly, let's just enjoy the cars and have fun!