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Invite: 500 Owners Association Wiscombe Park Hillclimb 8th May

Started by C9OBY, March 13, 2021, 09:20:22

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The 500 Owners Association, one of our Invited Clubs at the AC Owners' annual Sprint event, has invited ACOC members to join them at their Hillclimb event, below. If anyone wants to reach Xaxier directly, please contact me and I'll give you his email address and phone number.

At long last the entries for our 8th May Hillclimb are open, and as one of our invited clubs, I look forward to receiving your members entries very soon.
Because the event will be operating under Covid restrictions, all entries, signing on, vehicle and Covid declarations will be by using an online system that has been most generously provide by the Woolbridge MC.

Event regulations and access to the entry system can be gained by using this link to the dedicated page of our club website

Should you or any of your members have any questions regarding  the event than please email or phone.
Kind Regards

Xavier Kingsland
Secretary of the Meeting