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Aceca hand brake lever

Started by Vincent998, March 09, 2021, 19:00:51

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My Aceca rebuild/resto proceeds apace, and now we are thinking about the hand brake assembly, which is entirely missing from the car. I rather like the stock unit and would like to keep it if possible.

Do any other cars use the same hand brake lever and ratchet as the Aceca?



The handbrake lever mechanism was fabricated by the factory so can be copied reasonably simply. We have had new ratchets and pawl sets made in the past but don't seem to have any in stock at the moment. The other parts are the chromed tubular lever itself with a sprung 'push on' top to activate the pawl and the sheet metal surround and pivot point which bolts to the rear bulkhead.
John Spencer, the archivist or Steve Hall the spares co-ordinator, might have a drawing. If you're having one made up check with Steve as we would probably have some extra ratchets and pawl sets made up for Club stocks.


Hi Inwould also be interested in handbrake and pivot box details for my aceca


Robin A Woolmer

Gerry Hawkridge of Hawk Cars had these made some time ago, i sourced the ratchets  for them, some cars had side handbrakes so best to verify the central type is correct for your car! Best to contact Gerry!



Hi Robin

Do you know why some cars had the side handbrake? Mine has this and the lever looks completely different just wondered if it had been modified from the original.


Robin A Woolmer

I see no basic benefit having the hand brake on the side other than driver preference, maybe the registrars could comment!The central type is supposed to be a fly off design but i have not tested it as my Replica Ace is not complete yet!
The central type is better for the output cable route to the back brakes!


Subsequent to my initial request for information, I discovered that the handbrake lever for Series II E Type 2+2 Jaguars (and only for that model) is very similar to the Aceca lever - unlike other British car levers that have the release button recessed in the end of the lever, this one has the "cap" button at the end. The lever is (I think) a bit shorter than the AC lever, though. Interestingly, this lever is not shown or listed differently in the Jag parts book.