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Aceca AEX567 on eBay

Started by pjbowman, August 23, 2009, 03:57:21

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AC Ace Bristol

Originally posted by AC Ace Bristol

   OK,  So we have a pair of nut cases buying a pair of well worn Acecas numbers AEX561 & AEX567.
   Now,  it's not a race,  However we would like to see regular progress reports on each restoration,  should make interesting reading.
   The comparison of deterioration of timber framework & electrolysis should proove of interest to those other brave Souls ( AC Nutcases) who take on future Aceca projects, Definitely not for the faint hearted!!
   Aces are far easier and cheaper to restore, However they not as rare and practicle as a Aceca.
   Roger is AEX567 going to be rebuilt as a road car or a track car?
   or simply used and enjoyed as originally intended  back in the 1950s?
   Good Luck  to both  John & Roger .... Will these two cars ever sit side by side as they probably once did in Detroit and Thames Ditton back in the 1950s?
   3 , 2, 1  ...  Let the Progress reports begin


Welcome Roger! I must admire your bravery on this one, but will be very anxious to watch your progress reports. Do you already belong to the ACOC? If not, join immediately! The people on this forum and in the club are great, and can provide invaluable assistance in many aspects of your effort. and thank you for keeping me from draining my 401(k)....
   If I can assist with any Aceca info don't hesitate to ask.
Peter B.


Roger - btw, there are a couple of other Aceca owners in Californias (John and Greg) who can provide a lot of great info,and they may be close to you. Where are you located?
Peter B.


Keith and Peter,
   Thank you.  It will be a road car, to be driven, not a track car.  I will join ACOC.  Seems I tried awhile back but couldn't do it online for some reason.  Will investigate.  I had not been looking for an Aceca but several evil friends from several different continents all emailed the listing for the car and once I confirmed the engine number with Rinsey Mills' book, I took a second look.  It seemed a shame to not try to preserve the car somehow.  And I am a sucker for bumpers and bits stuffed in the back.


   I am in Point Reyes, about an hour or so north of San Francisco, on the coast.

59 Aceca

   Welcome to the club!  I am one of the (AC powered) Aceca owners from California that Peter referenced.  Please feel free to ask for any information you need and I will do my best to provide it.  For that matter, if you ever need to see anything on my car, first hand, you're welcome to that as well as I am only about an hour away in Santa Rosa.  You can email me directly at if you would like.
   All the best on your restoration.


   Another welcome to the club!  I am the other Aceca owner that Peter mentioned and live a few miles from Greg in Santa Rosa. There is one more Aceca that I know of about 10 minutes north of Santa Rosa in Windsor, and I am sure that there are a few Ace owners in our area as well. You may want to join the ACOC soon as they are planning to publish a new member directory in the near future (it has been a few years since the last one was published).
   I am glad to hear that you plan on returning AEX567 back to her proper glory. Feel free to contact me at and I will assist you to the best of my ability to locate parts and resources that you may need to take on the restoration.
   You may want to check out Robin Woolmer's web site called the AC engine Project. He provides a great resource for restoring AC engines! This might give you some encouragement to the daunting task of making that AC engine run again.
   Best of Luck,


Greg and John,
   Thank you both.  I am sure I will take you up on your kind offers in the future.  My experience has been much more in the Cobra world, and the Aceca experience will all
   be new to me.
   Thanks again for the welcome.


   If you need any help from across the pond just shout, I have worked on quite a few Aceca's.


Hi Roger and welcome,
   To me it looks like a Saturday afternoon with a hammer and dolly, followed by some polishing and you'll have a very original car with a pleasing patina.[;)]
   Let us also hear a bit about that Cobra experience.


I'd just see if it runs and drive it as is - no need to worry about parking lot dings!
Peter B.


Originally posted by aex125
Hi Roger and welcome,
   To me it looks like a Saturday afternoon with a hammer and dolly, followed by some polishing and you'll have a very original car with a pleasing patina.[;)]
   Let us also hear a bit about that Cobra experience.

   For you it "looks like a Saturday afternoon with a hammer and a dolly". As I recall, you have an Ace that needs a nose job to fix a bad...abandoned...attempt to make a Cobra out of an Ace.  In fact, the photos you posted of AEX1078 when you brought it home make both AEX 567 and AEX561 look like easy restoration projects.[:D]'s it going with AEX1078?  Are you considering restoring the original Ace bodywork or are you going to go with an Ace 2.6 front end? How about starting a new thread on the status of your "project"? I am sure fellow forum readers would be interested in hearing about your progress.

AC Ace Bristol

Originally posted by AC Ace Bristol

   OK,  So we have a pair of nut cases buying a pair of well worn Acecas numbers BEX561 & BEX567.
   Now,  it's not a race,  However we would like to see regular progress reports on each restoration,  should make interesting reading.
   The comparison of deterioration of timber framework & electrolysis should proove of interest to those other brave Souls ( AC Nutcases) who take on future Aceca projects, Definitely not for the faint hearted!!
   Aces are far easier and cheaper to restore, However they not as rare and practicle as a Aceca.
   Roger is AEX567 going to be rebuilt as a road car or a track car?
   or simply used and enjoyed as originally intended  back in the 1950s?
   Good Luck  to both  John & Roger .... Will these two cars ever sit side by side as they probably once did in Detroit and Thames Ditton back in the 1950s?
   3 , 2, 1  ...  Let the Progress reports begin

   John  &  Roger
   Early September you had both been committed  to ACsylum with Aceca projects  "AEX561"  &  "AEX567" [:p]   [}:)]
   Have either of you taken delivery and inspected your respective projects ?  Any chance of a quick summary of your findings and a picture or two. [:)]
   The men in white coats have granted permission to use all facilities on site but withhold the keys to the medicine cupboard, the drinks cabinet and workshop door.  These may be released when we review your progress reports.... By the way you are allowed to confer.     [:0] [B)] [;)]


John, I have not made much progress on 1078 as that pesky work thing keeps getting in the way. I have re-assembled enough so I have a rolling chassis, but have not started the main effort yet. I will probably go with the original nose and am trying to source a 2.6 on this side of the pond but do not have one lined up yet. There was one for sale a while back, but I was working on some other things and now it is sold. I also need to get some outriggers (all 4) and figure out the steering mount set up as the previous owner cut off engine mounts, steering mount, and pedal box. After I get those items and weld them on, I will peel the body off and get to work on blasting the frame and getting it painted.


   Thanks for the update. I also hate how that pesky work thing gets in the way. It keeps me further from the hobby of owning a vintage car than I desire. Have you figured how you are going to shape the front end if you go with the original Ace nose and mustache? I wonder if there are any old wooden bucks on this side of the pond or are they all in the UK.