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Scale Cobra for an 11 Year old AC Enthusiast

Started by Glen Smytheman, November 23, 2020, 08:03:05

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Glen Smytheman

Hi all and Greetings from New Zealand - summer is finally coming down under after a long winter and two lockdowns - I intend putting some serious miles on my Ace this summer and my thoughts are with other AC owners elsewhere in the world at this time.

We have an AC Ace Bristol and a number of Bristol saloons in our family and as a result my 11 year old son is dead set on a getting a himself a scale kids size Cobra.  He is very keen and pretty capable – he assisted removing Bristol 2 litre engine from a type 401 saloon at age 8 and is now helping reinstall the engine and box now it is finally reconditioned – kids with this level of enthusiasm should be encouraged and we are keen to get him some experience behind the wheel of a small Cobra as he is already making noises on wanting to drive the other AC in our household.....

We have found ¾ scale bodies for sale on Alibaba as per this link – and were looking to mount the body on a chassis (enlarged go cart or similar) – exact detail is not required as I expect that is will be raced rallied (but hopefully not rolled!)

I am willing to be that there are others in the ACOC that have looked at building scale Cobra's for kids and would be interested to see what has been completed already.  Any information greatly appreciated and on the off chance that anyone from NZ is reading this and has a "kids cobra" that has been outgrown that could be for sale please get in touch.

Thanks all

Glen Smytheman


Hi Glen,
maybe you can go the electric Cobra way:
It's something which is ready to drive but leaves enough room for modifications and optimization.

Glen Smytheman

Thanks for that Peter - greatly appreciated.  This is the same company we were looking at for the body - they are a little slow responding to questions.  We have a number of parts that we can fit that are spare to my Ace including aero screens, guages and steering wheel so we will see if we end up with a body and build it up.  All other suggestions greatly appreciated.  Glen