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Another new model - Electric Le Mans Coupe Cobra

Started by ted, November 02, 2020, 11:15:30

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Just received from Sports Car Digest (worthwhile subscribing if you don't already)

And a new page appeared on the AC Cars website:

£600,000 for an electric version of 39PH or 645CGT. Interesting to see the planned chassis numbers for these cars and the reasons why.

"The cars will have chassis numbers based on the originals and listed in the 'AC Bible', a historical listing that secures their future valuation."

Clearly aiming at the market of people to buy, put away for 5 years add 50% to price and sell to next. Rinse and repeat until someone realises these cars carry none of the historical value of the originals. 


Car Number
"... the AC Bible" is clearly not the Thames Ditton Factory Ledger.

Limited Edition
The "edition" of all recent ACs is limited by customer demand. The AC "edition" has yet, per the public record, to underestimate customer demand.



Clearly they know there are idiots out there with more money than sense.

£600k for a ruddy electric car.

A car is only original once, but, you can modify it as many times as you like.

My car my rules.


£600,000 PLUS VAT!

What planet are they on? 🤯

You could go out with that amount of cash and buy a genuine, 1960's Thames Ditton-built AC289 that is in the REAL AC Bible...AND STILL HAVE ENOUGH CASH LEFT to get Gerry Hawkridge to supply you with an aluminium bodied, 289 V8-powered 1963 Le Mans replica!

And the chassis numbers... why not simply offer the "39PH" as the rhd and "645CGT" as the lhd variants, instead of:

Chassis numbers for the AC Cobra Le Mans electric 39PH:
COB 2131/1 right-hand drive or COX 2131/1 for left-hand drive To
COB 2131/6 right-hand drive or COX 2131/6 for left-hand drive

Chassis numbers for the AC Cobra Le Mans electric 645 CCT:
COB 2142/1 right-hand drive or COX 2142/1 for left-hand drive To
COB 2142/6 right-hand drive or COX 2142/6 for left-hand drive



Had AC personnel or their advisers looked at the Factory Ledger they would have seen that it only has car number, now known as VIN. Nowhere does it have 'chassis number', a term not defined nationally let alone internationally.

It could be either that AC refers to characters 10 to 17 of an ISO 3779/3780 compliant VIN without realising that it can't have an 'O' in it, or that it refers to an identifier that can't be used for road-registration purposes.

Potential purchasers are advised to check this point.



Quote from: rstainer on November 07, 2020, 19:58:32...Potential purchasers are advised to check this point...RS
I don't think we need to worry too much about that...😆


Quote from: ted on November 02, 2020, 11:15:30
Just received from Sports Car Digest (worthwhile subscribing if you don't already)

And a new page appeared on the AC Cars website:

£600,000 for an electric version of 39PH or 645CGT. Interesting to see the planned chassis numbers for these cars and the reasons why.

"The cars will have chassis numbers based on the originals and listed in the 'AC Bible', a historical listing that secures their future valuation."

Clearly aiming at the market of people to buy, put away for 5 years add 50% to price and sell to next. Rinse and repeat until someone realises these cars carry none of the historical value of the originals.

Why do you think it will take people five years to realise these cars have no historical value ?