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Parts List for Ace Brooklands

Started by AcemanToo, January 26, 2020, 10:12:27

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A number of years ago, when I was previously a member of the ACOC, there was talk of putting together a list of which cars our parts originated from. There must be a huge store of knowledge amongst the members and a parts list would be a wonderful thing to have! We all know that the windscreen is Ford Sierra, but (for instance) did you know the screen sealing strip was apparently Renault? I've found out where quite a few bits started life so, if we all put our knowledge together, it could save weeks of fruitless searches. I bet someone responds now and tells me it's already in place....!


This has been raised a few times I think, the registrar  holds a list I think (This should be complete and available to club members, not open to the public),  I would suggest submitting info on parts and sources to the registrar.



John mentioned he would do a list in 2014.  But I heard last year that he was very busy building.
I have documented what I've discovered for my own Ace and from forum contributions. I am willing to share this
info. with members of the forum.

Personally I don't think this information should be limited to club members, as the forum is "open". A topic titled  "Brookland parts info."
where we can post info. might be an idea?
"Blessed are those that don't ask for they shall not receive"


Great idea! This forum would be the ideal place as it's a good place to visit and doesn't get cluttered with information on other models which would be irrelevant to the Ace Brooklands. I'm happy to put all of the information together and post the complete list, plus any revisions that come to light over time. My email address is - once I've gathered a selection of answers to make up a parts list, I'll post it on this forum.


"Blessed are those that don't ask for they shall not receive"


I would suggest it is better to have the list within the members area, and one person keeping it updated and accurate.


Good idea, I have about 100 part numbers collected, will get into electronic form and post. If we start a specific parts post we can add from the various members own knowledge. I have a Ace Brooklands Mk1 which has fire damage which could be a good source for parts. The car is complex minus a hood and front bumper, this was used by another member to get there car back on the road.

I plan to catalog now we have moved into our house (only took three years) the parts and parts I have available.

My email address is the same as before so email me if you want anything

