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Started by bennettpg49, November 23, 2019, 11:26:26

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It is impossible for me to log onto the FORUM. Despite being a fully paid up member of the ACOC the forum still doesn't recognise me and thinks I'm a GUEST. I have no problem with logging onto the web site, it's just the forum that's the issue. I've had some advice from Brian Mosely, thanks Brian, but this has proved to be ineffective. I've also been advised to buy a new computer but that seems a drastic solution to what should be a simple fix. I am currently using someone else's computer to write this post without any difficulty. Can anyone help please. Peter Bennett, tel: 01606 882150 / 07976 255202 or


Peter- if you can log on from another computer but not from your own, the problem is with your computer.  A computer specialist local to you may be able to help.  I cannot replicate your problem from my end.

AC Ace Bristol


Are you actually  referring to you cannot get into Members Section ?

Any one can gain access to the website and Forum,  However to enter the members section one has  to  log in using your membership number and password.
May I suggest you speak to Bryan Moseley  our Web Master, whom will talk you through the procedure and check the system.

Good luck .
