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Chassis No Location and Steering Wheel Adj Ques

Started by GaryC, September 09, 2008, 10:21:50

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Could someone advise me of where to look for the stamped chassis no...I believe its on one of the front motor mounts on an Aceca/Ace Bristol.  Is it anywhere else??  Also, I've noticed some pics of the steering column coming thru the dash in the center of the slot and others at the top.  Is this adjustable to fit a tall driver??  Any other suggestions??  Thanks!


The chassis number should also be stamped on the left hand boot/trunk lid hinge. Usually it is also stamped on the door hinges but in a place that is covered by the leather door pocket.
   Some cars also have it stamped on the left hand hinge of the bonnet/hood. However, mine is not one of them.
   Also I haven't been able to find it on the right hand engine mounting plate where it's supposed to be.
   Of course the chassis number plate should also show it, if present.
   Indeed the steering column is adjustable for reach as well as height so  you may find the steering tube passing through the slot in the centre, the top of even the bottom or anywhere in between.
   Of course that's the reason why the slot is longitudinal in shape.
   Adjustment for height takes place behind the dashboard.
   Are you looking for an Ace/Aceca Bristol?


Jerry, thanks for the good info.  I am interested in an Ace Bristol that might be available and I thought I would be wise to verify #'s when I have the opportunity.  There's renewed hope I can squeeze ino one


   Indeed it's wise to verify numbers when looking at a car.
   Besides the chassis number the engine number is also important. It's obvious if it's a Bristol or not but is it the original specification for an AC Bristol and if it is, is it the engine original to the car and if it is, does this apply for both the block and the head? Or even the gearbox?
   The numbers give away the game, the production data i.e. the register do the rest. As does the chassis and engine number plate on the right hand bulkhead, provided it's the original one.
   On the block it is stamped on the right hand side at the rear near the bellhousing. On the head it is stamped (twice) on two lugs on the left hand side of the head. On top of that it is stamped on the engine number plate which is riveted to the right hand (exhaust) rocker cover.
   The gearbox has its own code but added to that is the engine number again (without the prefix for the engine type). This number is to be found on the right hand side of the gearbox and can be seen from under the car.
   Original engine types are 100C2, 100D and 100D2 in chronological order with a few 100B2 in between (more common on Aceca Bristols).
   Original gearbox types are BWCR9 and BWCR12.
   Please keep us informed how you get along. Good luck.


Thanks again.   I did have a chance to look at the Ace and although the data plate is on the car (very unmolested) I couldn't find the #'s stamped on the motor mount tower.  I know that the paint may have filled it in but could you tell me more specifically where on the mount I should be looking?  The sides or the surface facing the engine look most likely.  Appreciate your help.  Gary


   Not sure of the location on the Bristol mount, but AC engined cars has it stamped on top of the tower clearly visible when looking down at the mount.


I had to seek advice from Tim Isles on this matter.
   That's why it took a few days to reply.
   Here is his answer:
   The chassis number is indeed stamped on the RH engine mount, on the R/H edge (occasionally left hand) at the top of the sloping face that points towards the engine. So when you lean over to look into the engine bay it should be reasonably easy to see. Yes, if chassis has been painted then it can be difficult to see/read.
   In addition, AC painted the chassis number in white paint inside the L/H engine mount. You need to get under the car to see this one.


Found it! Exactly as described under the paint.  I was expecting larger #'s.  We'll see what happens with this one...they sure a beautiful cars especialy with the small wind screens.  Thanks for all of your help!!


   Good to know the information was helpful.
   In case you are serious about the car you should really get in touch with the Ace Bristol registrar of the ACOC, Tony Bancroft.
   He may be able to give historical info on the car that could help you with your judgment.
   I can supply you his email add if you like.


Thanks for all of your help.  BEX402 is now in its new home in my garage.  It had been parked in a corner of a collection without being run for over 35 years.  It shows 25K miles and so far appears completely original except for  a repaint that is holding up very well.  Hope to have it running in the next few weeks!

AC Ace Bristol

Originally posted by GaryC
Thanks for all of your help.  BEX402 is now in its new home in my garage.  It had been parked in a corner of a collection without being run for over 35 years.  It shows 25K miles and so far appears completely original except for  a repaint that is holding up very well.  Hope to have it running in the next few weeks!

   Congratulations on securing BEX402, the ACOC Ace Bristol register
   confirms Ace left Thames Ditton on 15th Jan 1958,  fitted with Bristol engine No 100D759.
   Car Painted ...Vermillion with light beige upholstry, exported to California.  sometime in its history it was repainted Black and was owned by a KC Gerard.
   Excuse me for being so bold, but could you please email a few current pictures of BEX402 in its current state and a period pic or two if you have any,  These will be for my own record and will also be forward to Tony Bancroft the official ACOC Ace Bristol registrar. To help keep the register up to date.   At present we have data on 382 of the 463 Ace Bristol produced.......  a very healthy  survival rate.
   Latest find....recently retrieved from a swamp about 40 miles North of Atalanta.Georgia ...  more details plus pic in future issue of ACtion.
   Thanking you in anticipation.
   Keith dot lessiter at faac dot co dot uk


Glad to do that..will also foward pics of Aceca AEX595.  Should get them off to you later next week.  GC


   Fully agree with Keith, congratulations on your most interesting purchase. Hope you will enjoy it a lot.
   I am also interested to see a few pics of it. If you send them to Keith he can also forward them to me if you are okay with that.
   It might be there are more than a few jobs to be done before it is roadworthy again. In case you need some assistance, this forum can be helpful as you probably already found out.
   you make me very curious with your "swamp" announcement.


Gary, Glad it all worked out and maybe you could post some pictures here so we could all get a peek.
   Keith, I agree with Jerry and am very interested in your swamp creature story, please tell us more.