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Wings & Wheels - Donations

Started by Max Allan, August 13, 2008, 21:37:31

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Max Allan

I was very much looking forward to Wings & Wheels on 24th. Thanks in no small part to Steve Gray's "corporate hospitality" both Brooklands Revival and W&W had become more a meeting of friends than "just another car show". However, the imposition of the £50 "donation" (to all intents and purposes a fee, seeing as it's no longer voluntary) will preclude me exhibiting the Brooklands Ace this time round.
   However well intended the decision (the money raised going to support various local charities), IMO the policy is misguided. The primary objective must be to create as interesting a show possible by encouraging the greatest diversity of cars for the paying public to view. Increasing revenue by charging exhibitors is short sighted and will inevitably result in declining numbers of cars on show and therefore public interest in the event.
   Some also travel considerable distance incurring sizable fuel, hotel bills etc. Is it reasonable they pay a further £50 to exhibit their car?
   By all means request a voluntary donation, but 50 quid? Sorry, but not for me this time. That said, have a great day and fingers crossed the weather is kind.


I see your point of view Max, but another way of looking at it is this.  Entry for two on the gate is £40 (or £32 if you apply in advance to Brooklands Musuem), so for £10 more you get your runs on the track.  Just an unbiased view because I'll be getting in free anyway as a trackside marshal.  I'll be in the holding area between the paddock and the track - so nobody upset me please or you won't get to the start line!

AC Ace Bristol

Originally posted by 1936ACE
I see your point of view Max, but another way of looking at it is this.  Entry for two on the gate is £40 (or £32 if you apply in advance to Brooklands Musuem), so for £10 more you get your runs on the track.  Just an unbiased view because I'll be getting in free anyway as a trackside marshal.  I'll be in the holding area between the paddock and the track - so nobody upset me please or you won't get to the start line!

   OOoohhh...... Fighting Talk.....    .... and I thought it was a Charity do !!
   Seriously  .... Every one to there own ..... Last years event and Camaraderie from all involved was Bloody Brill  .......
   Max ..  .. Lets change the old saying of Charity begins at Home when we all know Charity begins on keeping My AC on the Road & Track.  All donations £ssss or Euros gratefully received,  Leave in unmarked brown envelopes in BEX333 on the day. No Questions asked, but B descrete.


I have to agree with Max, its you guys who bring your cars to these events for the public to see. Steve Gray always seems to organize some great cars at these events.
   As Max says some people travel quite along way and have to pay fuel costs and hotel costs.
   I bought my tickets in advance and paid £32.00 for 2 tickets,which is well worth the entrance fee for the air display alone.
   Just think,if no one wanted to pay the £50 "donation",there would be nothing to look at and you wouldn`t see any of my photo`s on here !!!!!
   Keith I was going to descretly put 50 quid in your car,but it was raining,when I visited the AC Cars,and I couldn`t bear the thought of you having to drive home with a soggy £50 note !!
   I certainly wont be visiting the Brooklands Revival again at £35.00 to get in PLUS £5.00 FOR PARKING.
   I thought this years tickets for the Goodwood Revival are expensive @ £99.00 for the 3 days,but it now seems like very good value for 3 days racing PLUS the excellent air display`s