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Started by GSouthee, October 12, 2019, 17:39:19

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A car is only original once, but, you can modify it as many times as you like.

My car my rules.

AC Ace Bristol


Negative as Usual
. It is so Counter productive ...   ( my personal view )

The issue was probably held back to include a special feature on  AC  Cobras  competing at the recent GoodWood Revival.

Terry tries to cover current topics and relies upon club members furnishing him with material, Then it's a case of giving a balance of content in each issue.
Publishers then have to reschedule print run .
Not a easy job month after month.   



Poppycock! (My personal view)

I think I was not being negative but FACTUAL Action is late. No reason given etc etc.

A short post on the Forum from whomever re the delay, would be beneficial to all. Communication is the key to keeping people informed.

Guessing why it was held back is pointless so 'Probably' does not cut it.

I have never said it is easy to do the magazine, but it is easy to let people know of any hold up.

A single line of type in the Forum does it all!!!!!!!!

There that's positive!

A car is only original once, but, you can modify it as many times as you like.

My car my rules.


Gary its a pity you appear to be upset that no message is posted on this forum re ACtion.
Yes its later than expected in the main because I wanted to include the Goodwood Revival review and members of the team were also on holiday.
Please remember that the mag is put together by fellow ACOC members using their free time. As Editor I spend upwards of 40 hours a month on the mag.  You can always contact me if you are concerned over a delay as I don't read this forum everyday.
Just let me know what it is you want me to do.....

I should welcome an article from you on your 2-Litre if you have the time.



Hi Terry

A short one liner on the forum would be sufficient if Action is delayed.

I appreciate the work done by all involved with the Mag.

Personally, I prefer the medium of the forum than the Mag as the forum is live and current. I do have the time to do a little article on my 2 litre , however not the inclination.

The Mag has improved over the last number of months, but the item I miss is the minutes of the council. It would be nice to know what is going on!

Good luck and keep at it.

A car is only original once, but, you can modify it as many times as you like.

My car my rules.

Robin A Woolmer

You will find most members look forward to receiving the AC Action, some people do not use computers &  those that do like myself still look for the AC Action.
It does need support & is a good vehicle for good helpful articles, more are needed & one can be sure they are read.



Hi Robin

I think you miss my point.

I accept the validity of the Mag for those who want a hard copy to read, I like it as well :).

All I am saying is communication is key so a short post re late publishing is all that is needed.

As to my preference re Mag or Forum, I just think the Forum is a live means of communicating and very useful for those that want a more instant response to queries etc. Also no article is restricted by amount of pictures words etc.

Anyway happy reading when it arrives.


A car is only original once, but, you can modify it as many times as you like.

My car my rules.