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ACOC Clubman's Sprint at Goodwood 10th November 2018

Started by C9OBY, August 26, 2018, 20:06:50

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The AC Owners' Club is once again pleased to invite you to join us at this year's AC Owners' Club Clubman's Sprint Meeting, to be held once again at Goodwood Motor Circuit on Saturday 10th November. The event will continue the format of previous years, with a number of different AC and non-AC classes competing under MSA Sprint rules and regulations.
We would love to ensure that we once again we have a full complement of AC members in AC cars competing in what promises to be another fun, exciting event. Of course, AC owners are also able to support the event in a non-AC car if they don't wish to dirty their pride and joy or if their beloved AC is currently off the road.
Entry forms have today been emailed out to all past competitors. To obtain an entry form and event information pack, please contact Bruce Claassen (Secretary of the Meeting) at or on 07958 570 718. Please note that entries close on Friday 2nd November, being 1 week ahead of the Sprint and that entries received after this date will not be considered.
For anyone interested in coming along to watch, please do join us! Spectator entry is free and you will have full access to the paddock and circuit and are free to look over the cars and chat with our competitors. People start gathering from around 8.30am onward and festivities tend to wrap up at around 3.30/4pm following the prize ceremony. You do not need to be a member to attend, hence please feel free to invite your friends and family too. Food and drinks are available at the circuit and in nearby country pubs - an ideal way to spend a day out.
As always, your support is very much appreciated and we look forward to seeing as many of you as possible at Goodwood!


Hi all,

With just over 3 weeks to go until the deadline for entry to the Sprint closes, we have 4(!) ACOC members signed up for the Sprint in 3(!) AC's.  Hopefully everyone's just a little delayed in getting their entries across to me this year, hence if you're planning to join please get your forms across to me sooner than later.

On a more positive note, we have a nice selection of cars already signed up from BMW Historic Motor Club, VSCC, BARC and a number of first-time joiners from the newly invited 750 Motor Club.

If you've misplaced your entry form or have not participated before and hence are not on my mailing list, please get in touch with me.

Cheers, Bruce


Hi.  Looking forward to meeting some members, seeing the sprint and assisting where I can, looks to be a bit chilly and light showers so not bad for November.

Good luck to those competing.

A car is only original once, but, you can modify it as many times as you like.

My car my rules.


Just back from Sprint, a good day and a good turnout of ac cars plus many from other clubs etc. Met a few members in the paddock, a good number of 3000me on show.

I'll stick some pics when i resize them.

Cheers  G
A car is only original once, but, you can modify it as many times as you like.

My car my rules.


Thanks to Bruce and all the team for another superb event - and we finished just before the heavens opened!  Great to be able to welcome Martin from Switzerland with his ME, and see David enjoying the Twin Turbo - its first outing for about 10 years and the first in his ownership.


A big thanks to all of our competitors and ACOC team for delivering another fantastically fun day out. Despite the weather forecast having promised us rain all day, the only rain we had fell during the lunch break, with sunny spells most of the rest of the time and competitors enjoying a mostly dry track during the first timed runs.

I'll write up a post event summary at some point, but in the interim I'd like to thank all of our ACOC team for another year of great support and event leadership.

Gary, thanks too for your help all day, much appreciated, I look forward to having you back at the timing wall again next year!

Cheers, Bruce


A car is only original once, but, you can modify it as many times as you like.

My car my rules.


A car is only original once, but, you can modify it as many times as you like.

My car my rules.


and a couple more.

Also great meeting Bruce also John Spencer. Had a good mooch around the pits and met some great guys.

I will go again next year for sure.

A car is only original once, but, you can modify it as many times as you like.

My car my rules.

David S

Would also like to add my thanks to Bruce, Mike B and all the team that help to set up and run the Sprint event.

An enjoyable event and good to see a number of AC's bought along to support the event56 alongside those taking part.

I hope the council will gives its support to running the event next year (2019)



Another extremely enjoyable sprint this year. Massive thank you to Bruce, Mike Smith, Mike and Nathan Berrisford, Peter de RH, Angela Yates, The medical team, and marshals. Everyone working together so well really makes the Sprint the special event that is. Thanks also to all who make the effort to come down and watch, cheer us on, take pictures and catch up with pals.

Speaking to some of our VSCC guests, they prefer coming to our sprint because it is so smoothly run, friendly, and fun. And that's coming from a club that has a season-long championship of sprints and hill climbs. I think that speaks volumes about our ACOC team.


Upon my return to Switzerland, I would like to a big thanks: to all the me in the run-up to the event supported. By answering my emails, which clarify the MSA rules etc. Thank you for your patience, but I wanted to leave nothing to chance. At the end was there still a problem: my helmet! Thanks again Andy, you have lent me yours. For me, this Saturday at Goodwood was (probably) a unique, unforgettable experience. A big thank you also to all those who have organized this super event and carried out.
Martin Jucker