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Photobucket - latest picture posting procedures

Started by Classicus, February 24, 2008, 13:58:53

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Latest Photobucket, which is free, picture uploading instructions. However they might change things without warning after a while ! As at 27th September 2010.
   1. When you've signed up, next click on "Upload Images & Videos" button to the right of the screen.
   2. Find your way into your personal file containing the pic(s) you want to upload to the Forum. You can upload as many pics as you want, but they must be compatible - jpg or similar.
   3. Click on the pic(s) you want, then "Open" and each one will be sent to your new Photobucket file or album.
   4. When finished click "Upload".
   5. Wait a few moments then scroll down a bit and you'll see your pic(s)on the left.
   6. Enter the titles and info. description if needed into the empty boxes. Then go to the bottom and click on "Save".
   7. Move the cursor over the first pic. and 4 small panels will appear below. Click on the bottom one "IMG Code". Then right click on "Copy".
   8. Back to the AC Club Forum's message box.
   9. Next "Paste" in the whole code. Make sure that all the code is copied in exactly or no pics will appear. Repeat this procedure for all pictures you want to upload.
   10. For example: [img] album details/Your AC car details.jpg[/IMG)
   11. The pic(s) will then appear when you click on Preview and in the final posted message. You can also Preview as often as you want.
   Sizing pictures. First click on "Edit" above your pics, wait for it to load then click on the fourth button along the top bar "Resize". There you'll see a button at the left of the top bar "Preset Sizes" with 4 choices – "Tiny", "Small", "Medium" and "Large". You'll have to experiment with which suits best but as a general guide the last two options cover most situations well enough.
   The rest of Photobucket is largely self-explanatory. However I've personally now got so many pics - 614 at the last count - that I find it's much safer to pay about £10 or so annually meaning no ads, otherwise (from memory !) if there's no activity on your account for about 6 months, all pictures are deleted for good and the dreaded red crosses will appear permanently in their place.
   So best to keep a regular check....


Dear Classicus,
   Thanks for your input. Still I have been unable to post any photo on this forum. It's so complicated.
   Isn't it an easier way to do it than to travel back and forth on Safari from that "Photobucket" to ACoc ?
   Have a look at FerrariChat (No ad). Posting a photo there is so simple !
   Anyhow, thanks a lot for your help,
   Antoine Prunet


Hi Antoine
   Yes afraid like a lot of these internet add-ons and gadgets it does look hopelessly complicated at first, so had a quick look at Ferrari Chat and promptly suffered exactly the same problem !!
   All I can do if you want is tell me where you're at now and I'll try to guide you through it. If so best to print the full details out first.
   Whereabouts are you re timezones ? UK/Europe or the USA ?
   Paul [:)] (hooked on AC Frua 428s only for over 30 years)


Hi Classicus,
   On FerrariChat you upload the pix from your desk while your are on the forum window. With the ACoc-photobucket system, on Safari, I have to leave the forum to go to  that damn photobucket, select a photo in my "album" (Is it really mine by the way?), quit it and select again the forum to return to it.
   It's the same system on the Autosport's F1 forum. Same nightmare.
   The difference is obvious: the ACoc forum (like Autosport's) has no pixs. FC has plenty. Guess why ?
   Actually my question is that phobucket the only way to post pixs on the ACoc forum ? If not I'll simply forget it. I already forgot that Autosport stuff.
   Thanks for your help


Hi Antoine
   Got a bit curious as to why I couldn't make head nor tail of your Forum, so just joined up.
   OK finally found what you're talking about and yes it's an excellent built-in package and very convenient, one I've never seen before on other forums either. However it's a completely different Forum and system altogether to ACOC's.
   Anyway thanks for the offer because I'm also getting interested in seeing this unknown Ace as well. Therefore if OK with everyone, suggest the quickest option is if you could kindly post the pics directly into your "Cars, Motorcycles, Boats, & Planes" forum. From there I can then easily copy/ paste it direct across to Word (just checked it's possible with an F430 pic), then eventually into my Photobucket account. Finally posting it onto the Ace, Aceca and Greyhound forum....
   Paul [:)]
   And yes a Photobucket album with password is yours alone.


   Be aware that the Safari browser is not supported and is known to make life difficult for users.  I understand that Firefox or Godzilla are the best options for Mac users.


Mr. Admin, I think it`s MOzilla for internet access, as Godzilla is a 500 foot tall dinosaur who eats buildings and Chewits.
   Antoine, my apologies, it was me that started the whole photobucket thing! IT was the first thing that came to mind to help with photo posting(after imageshack proved not to work).
   It might be a little easier if you have 2 browsers open (if possible with Safari)but it should only take a matter of moments to load and then link to a photo or 2 in P.bucket.
   Alternatively, if you would like to email the photos to me (nikbj68'at'yahoo'dot'co'dot'uk) I would happily host & post them for you.
   I, like Classicus, joined the Ferrarichat forum. It is a nice way to add pictures, but I`d still prefer to have a gallery like this one on ClubCobra
   Happy to help,


Lol ! I saw it too but didn't like to say anything !! [:p] Puir wee Mac users....why can I no stop gigglin'.... ? D'ye think the lad's coming back ?
   You crease me up sometimes Nick !! [:D]


I sincerely hope we haven`t scared Antoine off, as I am intrigued by this 'unknown' Ace, as I`m sure are many others.


I don't think so really if you isolate his earlier point quoted below. I take it to mean he probably wanted to post them himself....?
Actually my question is that phobucket the only way to post pixs on the ACoc forum ? If not I'll simply forget it. I already forgot that Autosport stuff.

   I had vaguely thought of trying to contact him on FerrariChat after all that effort but they're his pics, so it's his call.
   Shame as you say....hope you read this sometime Antoine.