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Started by Morgy, October 26, 2015, 18:03:21

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According to the register CS2030 was destroyed over thirty years ago. This car has only recently come to public knowledge and, on the basis of currently-available information, cannot conclusively be stated to have continuous history.
   I will have more information in two weeks time.


Just thought this light hearted video may help

Cobra Ned

Car looks entirely wrong for its VIN, from the flares to the side vents to the nose and the slightly misshapen body work. Plus, the anticipated price is a fraction of what a legitimate car would bring. Sounds like Bonhams already knows the car is built from air.


I guess when you buy your 289 body from Poland, you get side vent holes....
   But I agree - it just don't look right. I reproduced a period photo of 2030 in my first Cobra book, and it did not look like that!



At that's the photo to which I referred. Taken in Derek Hurlock's back garden in Thames Ditton I believe (correct me if I'm wrong)

Cobra Ned

Spoke with Rinsey on this one. He says it is built from the genuine car, following a crash that damaged the nose. New body installed. Has a new dash and instruments and is fairly priced for condition.


The car is built with some parts that came from 2030 and many that didn't.
   The issue is whether 2030 has continuous history as a car. The ACOC's public-domain Cobra categorisations definitions [5 Dec 01] include "All usable parts were incorporated into the rebuild, which is approximately to original specification.  A part is usable if the owner, advised as appropriate, judges it to be both physically & economically usable."
   My 26 Oct post refers. At the moment it is unclear whether the Bonhams car has continuous history or is a replica. I believe there will be sufficient information by the end of next week to conclude one way or the other.
   If you would like a copy of the 'AC & Shelby Thames Ditton Cobras Categorisation' paper, please email me.


Revised register entry is in 2030 string.