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Register Updating, calling all owners

Started by hawk289, March 03, 2015, 09:19:22

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   I have now pieced together both "Ace Brooklands" and "New Shape Ace Brooklands" history, also got many updates from people. I have worked all updates into the register. I plan to send latest publication to action soon, so if you have bought, changed or improved your Ace Brooklands please let me know asap. One element I will cover in the article is the difference between cars. My research has shown Mk1, Mk2 and Mk3 is not correct. We have two variants of Ace Brooklands:
   1. Ace Brooklands - Hand built at Brooklands, this has the round headlights on the front and all aluminum body work.
   2. New Shape Ace Brooklands - The chassis, body, doors, bonnet and boot all made in South Africa by HiTech. The cars were painted in South Africa and shipped to Brooklands for final construction.
   All Ace Brooklands (including new shape) got finished at Brooklands, some later cars did not get completed and various people purchased for final completion.
   I will explain more in the article.