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CF 64 For Sale

Started by Englishman, September 28, 2011, 01:55:42

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Hi Guys,
   After a 5 year adventure and not inconsiderable cost I am selling CF 64, it can be viewed at the Oldtimer Australia Website. Age unfortunately has treated me a lot worse than CF64 and now I suffer the consequences of a bruising Rugby career and a few motorcycle accidents and I find the car uncomfortable. I also have a garage partially filled with bits and pieces such as two convertible doors pretty much complete plus original intake and exhaust manifolds and boxes of assorted bits.

J Jones

Very nice, Peter. It appears you've done an excellent job restoring your car as it should be done. I think you've priced it very fairly.
   Did raising the vent opening 1/2 inch make an appreciable difference in under hood engine temp?
   I've made many of the same modifications to my car as you've done to yours, but I've waited on changing the vent until I hear it's effective and worthwhile.
   At present, my engine no longer overheats, and I'm 1/2 finished with installing Air Conditioning. Of course, A/C will add more heat underhood on the hottest days, so getting more airflow may become necessary as a result.


Hi JJ,
   Raising the hump by 1/2 an inch did not seem to make that much difference, I believe that there is a dead air spot over the engine. I was going to try and put air deflectors under the radiator to get air up into the engine bay or a front spoiler but as you may be aware ground clearance can be an issue. What we eventually did was to louvre the bonnet which was not a major issue as the new bonnet is aluminium and that did make a difference.


Click on this pic of Peter`s car to go to the Oldtimer website. God I wish I had the money!!!
(You never found that nose-badge, I see!!! Just makes it look sleeker!)


Hi Peter good to hear from you again and very well done ! [8D] I'd often wondered how things were going with you especially during and after the really frightening weather you had earlier this year, so it's great to see such marvellous pics and a really fine result after so much struggle and effort !
   What a shame you have to sell....


Peter hi, I am sorry to hear you are selling your car, it certainly is one or the nicest if not the nicest example out there. As Jeffrey said, the price is quite reasonable and if someone wants a need nothing, very nicely restored  RHD  428 coupe, this is the one. You may want to post more photos of the restoration to refresh minds. After all, showing photos in bare metal removes all doubts about the soundness of the car. Everything else is secondary. If I was on the market for RHD 428 coupe,  this is the car I would buy, "no questions' asked!"
   Best regards,
   Ps, let me know how much you want for the convertible doors.


Thank you for the compliments, as I do not drive the car and I certainly do not want it to be a museum exhibit I want to sell it to someone who will appreciate and use the car.
   As regards the bits and pieces I have I will take a few photos and attempt to post them here or e-mail them to anyone that is interested.

J Jones

Peter - I tried emailing you through the website link to your address, but apparently your email address has changed.
   Among the bits you've got laying about, might you have glass? I need a right rear window, as mine is a thin replacement that has cracked.
   I had a couple of other questions, though I didn't want to ask on the forum.  JJ


Hi JJ,
   My e-mail address is  I will change the address in my details. The only glass I have is in the pair of doors for a convertible.


Fantastic looking car Peter, what a shame the Australian dollar is so strong now, it's too expensive for us here in the UK to buy cars from Australia and re-import them. Lot's of Australians are buying here currently as the weakness of the UK pound makes a lot of our cars look competitively priced. All the best with getting a price you are happy with !


Peter hi, considering the price they got for CF62 at the auburn auction, you car should sell easily in view of its quality.


Gentlemen just wanted to let you know that CF 64 sold for AUD 180,000 to a buyer in the Middle East, we believe the car is going to Kuwait but we await delivery details.
   I will of course suggest that the buyer joins the AC Car Club or at least tunes into the Forum.


Thats approx. £114,000 in old money.
   Rumour has it that 'a middle eastern gentleman'is buying up every 428 that he can get his hands on. A UK auctioneer told me something along those lines as did a restorer who knew of at least two being rebuilt for the same gentleman.
   Maybe the club should start an Abu Dhabi chapter???


Hi Peter, Well done! Excellent result. With CF42 selling for £136k, the value of these beautiful cars is well and truly established. If possible can you discreetly email me with the new owner's details for the register. Many thanks, Andy.


Originally posted by cliffordl
Rumour has it that 'a middle eastern gentleman'is buying up every 428 that he can get his hands on. A UK auctioneer told me something along those lines as did a restorer who knew of at least two being rebuilt for the same gentleman.

   Whether it's true or not if this interesting rumour starts to spread it could well make life very interesting indeed from now on - especially for the valuer at the next auction ! [:D]
   I'm also wondering if this same middle eastern gentleman bought CFX 22 the gold one in California with the Dutch plates too, in addition  for the first time in ages there are no 428s for sale at all in "Classic Cars for Sale" where I always look first.