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Electronic Payments

Started by DGoose, July 01, 2011, 10:01:29

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Morning all,
   As Andy has stated on the previous thread the Council meeting last night went on a while but was, I hope, very productive - much constructive criticism from this forum was discussed.
   As a consequence of part of this "feedback" the Council have tasked me with the job of implementing an electronic payment solution.
   Initially we would envisage a simple Pay-Pal option as this is low cost and will enable us to gauge enthusiasm within the club as a whole for this type of payment facility.
   Work that is currently being carried out by our Treasurer involving a  Sage Pay solution will continue as this will provide a more structured e-commerce gateway for the future.
   I will provide the required detail to enable subscription payments as soon as our internal structure is in place and the necessary arrangements are completed with Pay-Pal / Banks etc.
   This process should only take a few days but due to my own Holiday commitments don't expect a to hear from me for a couple of weeks.


BRAVO!!! Look forward to hearing more in due course, an excellent result in the making.
   Good luck, David. [:D]


Thank the Lord! Does that mean we can expect your subs in future Nik?

Gus Meyjes

   My payment will be in as soon as it is up and running!
   Any word on what went on during the rest of the meeting?

J Jones

Excellent! I hope this will improve the number of paid-up members. I will certainly use it.
   I read a news article that claimed paper cheques will be phased out in the UK starting 2018. If this is true, then the ACOC is ahead of an inevitable change.

AC Ace Bristol

Great Result,
   Lets hope we see a surge in Membership from USA, Canada, New Zealand, Australia and  Europe. ETC ETC....[;)]
   May the ACOC grow in Strength.
   Good Luck David, We know the Implementation  of Electronic Payment is in good hands, and look forward to reaping the reward & benifits throughout 2011 /2012.
   Will this mean we can also purchase ACOC Regalia electronically .[?]
   Vote of  Thanks to the COUNCIL for a  positive democratic decision..[:)]


Awesome! Welcome to the 21st century!
   Emmanuel [:D]


Further to approval at the council meeting last Night I can confirm that the ACOC membership payment site is now live.
   This micro site is designed to provide a simple means of electronic payment (via pay-pal) for new membership & membership renewal.
   Buying process should be self explanatory but should anybody have any problems / questions I can be contacted at
   Once an order/payment is received you will receive an automated  confirmation from the website and payment confirmation from PayPal, you will also receive an e-mail from acocsubs.
   E-mail from acocsubs will have an attachment requesting car details (if applicable), this form should be returned to
   You should receive your membership pack within 7-14 days of order but please remember that our club is run by volunteers who do occasionally have Holidays etc, this may result in delays.
   David Goose  -

Gus Meyjes

   Thank you David. I will submit my membership payment promptly!!


Originally posted by DGoose
Further to approval at the council meeting last Night I can confirm that the ACOC membership payment site is now live.
   This micro site is designed to provide a simple means of electronic payment (via pay-pal) for new membership & membership renewal.
   Buying process should be self explanatory but should anybody have any problems / questions I can be contacted at
   Once an order/payment is received you will receive an automated  confirmation from the website and payment confirmation from PayPal, you will also receive an e-mail from acocsubs.
   E-mail from acocsubs will have an attachment requesting car details (if applicable), this form should be returned to
   You should receive your membership pack within 7-14 days of order but please remember that our club is run by volunteers who do occasionally have Holidays etc, this may result in delays.
   David Goose  -

   Well done. Just set up a paypal account and sent in my membership application. All done in less than 5 minutes!


David, an absolutely brilliant payment website, well done!  I also really like the add-on feature of being able to pay for other club events.

J Jones

Thank you David.
   It took less than a minute for me to renew my membership. So now I'm up-to-date.

AC Ace Bristol

   In Good Old AC Style....
   Good result,  Appreciated by many, if not always shown.
   Cheers for Now

Gus Meyjes

   Way to go David!! Way to go ACOC!!, Now a "heritage cars" register...