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Meaning of CSX?

Started by dkp_cobra, April 15, 2011, 15:36:20

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What is the meaning of CSX? Here in Germany a lot of people think that CS stands for Caroll Shelby and the X for something else. As far as I know C was the follow up after A for the AC engine, B for Bristol and C for the next model. X was for export, like in AEX the AC Ace with AC engine for export and BEX the Bristol engined cars for export.
   Is that correct? And if it correct what stands the S in CSX for? And what is the meaning of OB and OX in COB and COX?
   Regards, Peter


As RHD export cars did not have the X in their chassis number but all LHD cars did the X stands for LHD. Most export cars are LHD so that is probably where the confusion started. This is true at least for Aces and Acecas but as far as I know also applies to Cobras.
   There has been discussion on this forum about the letters CS.

Laurence Kent

CSX stood for "Carroll Shelby Export" (although Shelby used to say that the "X" stood for "eXperimental"--so as to play down AC's role).
   COB stood for "Cobra, Britain" and COX stood for "Cobra eXport". Both COB and COX Cobras are ones NOT made for Shelby under contract.
   I hope this clarifies things.
            Laurence in British Columbia


Originally posted by Laurence Kent
CSX stood for "Carroll Shelby Export" (although Shelby used to say that the "X" stood for "eXperimental"--so as to play down AC's role).
   COB stood for "Cobra, Britain" and COX stood for "Cobra eXport". Both COB and COX Cobras are ones NOT made for Shelby under contract.
   I hope this clarifies things.
            Laurence in British Columbia

   Sorry, but the "CSX" for "Carroll Shelby Export" makes no sense to me, since Carroll Shelby didn't export them. If the "X" is for export then this is the view out of AC (they exported them to Shelby) and then why should AC use CS for Carroll Shelby but CO for Cobra? Would be in inconsistent naming scheme for me.
   Do you have any prove for your explanation?


Hi dkp, I also think Laurence is correct as this is consistent with AC chassis naming in the 1950's and 1960's. AC preferred to use 3 letters before the numbers as it fitted on the chassis plates easily and looked neat and simple, so it made sense to put CSX for the cars that were designated for export TO Carroll Shelby i.e.  CSX was indeed a Carroll Shelby eXport  ( model ) or possibly even meant Cobra Shelby eXport? Perhaps they felt it would have looked silly to put XCS ( eXport to Carroll Shelby ) or COSX ( CObra Shelby eXport ) or COCSX ( CObra Carroll Shelby eXport ) or even  COXCS ( CObra eXport Carroll Shelby ) as any of those would have become too long and complicated. By using COB or COX instead of CB or CX it simply looked better and followed the 3 letter system. I guess the only way we will know for sure is if anyone from the original factory is still alive and can confirm?


I always assumed that it was a follow-on from the Ace numbering system...
   AE(home market, RHD)X(rest of the world, LHD); BE(X); CS('S' for Shelby)X (note, there were 3 'CS' chassis numbers without the X!)CO('O' for other? non-Shelby contract)B(for Brit, home market, RHD)X (for rest of the world, LHD).
   Simples! [;)]

Laurence Kent

"CSX" did stand for "Carroll Shelby Export". The first prototype was designated "CSX" by AC in November of 1961, BEFORE Shelby had his famous dream, where he says he came up with the word "Cobra" and wrote it down before he forgot it, for that wasn't until after he had returned to the U.S.A. from his three months with AC, in February of 1962. As for the "C" in "CSX" being the third letter in the AE(X) and BE(X) sequence, yes, that theory has been put in print here and there, and even Brian Angliss once wrote a letter to the Shelby Club in the U.S.A. stating that, but it is a flawed theory. Why?: because CSX stood for `Carroll Shelby Export'(check out the F. Wilsom McComb book AC Cobra) and it also doesn`t take into account the real, true THIRD variant in the sequence, the 2.6 RS(X) series.
                                   Laurence in British Columbia


Originally posted by dkp_cobra...Sorry, but the "CSX" for "Carroll Shelby Export" makes no sense to me, since Carroll Shelby didn't export them. If the "X" is for export then this is the view out of AC (they exported them to Shelby) and then why should AC use CS for Carroll Shelby but CO for Cobra? Would be in inconsistent naming scheme for me.   Do you have any prove for your explanation?

   CSX makes sense if we follow that in the AC order book 'CS' was the 'Carroll Shelby' contract and 'X' designated LHD, as AC`s first RHD car was CS2030. It followed long after that AC started to build their own 'Cobras' for UK & R.O.W markets, hence the change from 'S' for Shelby to 'O' for not Shelby, whatever it stood for! [;)]
Originally posted by Laurence Kent... it is a flawed theory. Why?: because it doesn`t take into account the real, true THIRD variant in the sequence, the 2.6 RS(X) series...Laurence
Aaah, but, that stood for 'Rudd Speed' (or Rudd Special, as I heard suggested once)!  [:D]


It seems to me that the C stands for the next letter after B. The Frua is CF for UK cars and CFX for export left hand drive cars.
   If I am not mistaken, there were A series cars, then B series then C series cars, so the first letter maybe just arbitrary. Anymore opinion?
   Emmanuel [?]


Originally posted by dkp_cobra
What is the meaning of CSX? Here in Germany a lot of people think that CS stands for Caroll Shelby and the X for something else. As far as I know C was the follow up after A for the AC engine, B for Bristol and C for the next model. X was for export, like in AEX the AC Ace with AC engine for export and BEX the Bristol engined cars for export.
   Is that correct? And if it correct what stands the S in CSX for? And what is the meaning of OB and OX in COB and COX?
   Regards, Peter

   If A stands for AC engine and B for Bristol then C stands for Ford engine. Again, they may just  have picked the next letter.  What was the letter for the Ford Zephir engine?
   Emmanuel [?]


As previously indicated and discussed elsewhere in the forum, the 2.6 Ford Zephyr cars were notated "RS" for Rudd Speed.
   If I recall correctly the 1960 or 61 American road test (Car & Driver?) which I've retained all these years refers to the car they tested as a Rudd Speed version of the AC.



The ACOC Cobra Register Introduction sets out what is known about AC's Cobra car number prefixes, and deals with CS, CSB, & A (as well as the better known CSX, COX & COB.
   If anyone has any different information, please email me ( to authoritative sources.


Originally posted by rstainer
Sorry, should read: The ACOC Cobra Register Introduction sets out what is known about AC's Cobra car number prefixes, and deals with CS, CSB, & A (as well as the better known CSX, COX & COB).
   If anyone has any different information, please email me ( to authoritative sources.