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Leather cabin edging.

Started by REV, May 05, 2009, 00:42:24

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Praise the Lord and pass me cheque book. Gotta keep the old Porsche Turbo serviced....
   Actually I contributed to his retirement fund recently when I brought some venison from his Olde Farm Shoppe and have to report is was indeed rather wonderful


Originally posted by TLegate
Actually I contributed to his retirement fund recently when I brought some venison from his Olde Farm Shoppe and have to report is was indeed rather wonderful

   Was the venison hunted down by a car or by a plane?


Porsche Cayenne - arrived very flat


Would this be the one? Looks as though it was delivered direct from the track!


That's the one! Nice in a casserole.....R.I.P.
   I was unfortunate enough to have a close encounter with a relative of said critter - he decided that a totally empty straight road (apart from me!) was fine to cross just as I was approaching at about 60-ish. Despite a full-on emergency stop, officer, I clipped his hind leg and it felt like I'd smacked a brick wall! Popped out a headlight and collected a nice bunch of hair in the space twixt light and bumper, enough for several paint brushes - I was out £300 and the deer gave me a very dirty look and wandered off!! I'm only grateful he didn't come through the windscreen or these pearls of wisdom would have been lost forever


Trevor, do I see a change of tack from you??????
   I've noticed lately the advent of Celebrity Chefs like James Martin writing in the paper about their cars, Mustangs, Daytona Coupes, etc., etc..
   Are you thinking of getting your own back by going from Motor journalist/writer/photographer to Celebrity Chef????? Do I detect a recipe for "Haunch of Venison a la Trev" fried on the bonnet of a 427 in a pan with 10W-30?
   We've had the "Hairy Bikers"... Nigella.... Jamie..... James & Ainsley. Is it now time for "Legate does Leftovers" or "Trevs Treacle Tarts"?
   Are we to expect a series of "Muscle Car Master Chef"??????


You've discovered my secret!! Currently hard at work on a new venture entitled 'Nigella Does Roadkill'.
   Oh dear, my mind boggled there for a moment....
   And I am working on 'Trevs Treacle Tarts' but that has nothing to do with food ;-)

Mark IV

Chef Ramsey says you've been chopped!!![:D]


Anyone know 'Chef' Ramsay`s Cobra connection? (Mr. Legate excepted, as he knows ALL!!!!)


Nothing to do with "Trevs Treacle Tarts" is it??????


Hehehe... I wish.
   Nope... try again!


I was typing the answer when I saw I've been banned from replying. I'm starting to develop a complex!! (but the clue is PPE20E...)


Do both Gordon and a Cobra have a Turkey pan?
   Or is it to do with giving off hot air?????
   Exhaust emissions????
   Piece of cake really. ;-)
   Still prefered the "Trevs Treacle" answer though!


Folks, the year is coming to an end. The financial crisis left it´s traces. For all those who have empty pockets or need their money to feed their thirsty beasts, here is a suggestion to save money (very british style, indeed):
   The 2011 calendar matches with the one from 1966 (as well as the one from 2010 did with the 1965 calendar); thats why you can pull out your old 66 calendar (yes, one of the Cobra years) and use it again. That´s the one I will use:
   I wish you a merry christmas
   and a happy new year!


Bad weather? No problem to have fun in your Cobra in the dry ...