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surprising number of cars for sale

Started by AndyN, September 17, 2022, 13:57:56

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Hi Andy

Quite a range of prices, I saw all these as well.

£28k They must be on drugs I think.

I am sure the Hurlock one will fetch a better price as a one off car.

If anyone wants to have the other black one that is for sale looked at let me know as it is in a village just up the road to me. I could give it a check over and take additional photos etc so you can decide if you want to travel down. Just contact me on here.

The green one was on Ebay a while ago privately for £9k.

Some of these would be good for a younger owner to get into AC's with.

I know if the price was right for the local one to me and I had sufficient space I would get it and drop a V8 in it. But then thats just me.

Cheers  All

A car is only original once, but, you can modify it as many times as you like.

My car my rules.


I remember seeing a 2 litre (brown colour I think) at Goodwood once that had a V8 in it Gary. Never seen it since


Hi Bobby

I too have seen that car, last time I heard of it was when it was sale a few years ago.

If I remember correctly, it had a chassis from a SUV/Pickup with the V8 mounted in that and the body fitted to it. It sat quite a bit higher than standard.

I would love long in the term to fit a V8 mine, a 289 would be great. One day ;D.

Take care.

A car is only original once, but, you can modify it as many times as you like.

My car my rules.


Wasn't there a grey 2 litre with a 428 Frua chassis and running gear? I'm sure I saw it down at Goodwood 5 or 6 years ago.  Andy.


Hi Andy

Yes there was and it appears still is. It is still showing as taxed and in fact the last V5 seems to have been issued in October this year, so someone out there owns it.

Is it a member? be great to see that one at Le Mans.

Here is a link to the car from Bonhams when it was sold in 2010.

Cheers  Gary

A car is only original once, but, you can modify it as many times as you like.

My car my rules.