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Luigi Colani 428 convertible??

Started by CF 70, March 14, 2021, 20:49:34

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CF 70

Is it true that this was designed by Luigi Colani? Does anyone here know more about this car? Which chassis number did they use?


Hi Guys, Sorry I just read your posts. We had the Colani 428 in our workshop at Uniclip Automotive in England about 25 years ago. It sported a very futuristic body which was certainly designed by Professor Colani in France. Since then I have heard or seen nothing of it, so I assume it resides with the Colani family in France.


The chassis is CFX 32
Yes Colani designed it and its typical of his idiosyncratic designs! Another was the rebody of the beautiful March 711 into the Eiffeland March as raced by John Watson amongst others.