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New Chairman

Started by DGoose, July 31, 2022, 17:43:09

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Dear all,

Following a turbulent couple of months the AC Owners' Club has a new Chairman.

I will be producing an introductory statement for the club magazine and for addition to the members are of this website in the very near future but would like to reassure our members, and prospective new members, that we are back on track.
The Club Council has seen some changes, not least our chairman of 10 years, Andy Shepherd, stepping down. I would like to thank Andy for his time and commitment to our Club, it is my hope that Andy will stay involved with Club management in some way.
We have taken onboard criticism from some quarters and will have learnt from past mistakes which will make us stronger going forward, we face challenges still but your Club Council working as a coherent body can and will overcome these challenges.
I note with interest that the Bristol Owners Club and the 289 Register are also experiences problems at the top, must be something in the air !

Best regards,

David Goose - Chairman AC Owners' Club


Hi David

Best of luck. Looking forward to see some changes.

Not an easy job, but stick with it.

Regards  Gary
A car is only original once, but, you can modify it as many times as you like.

My car my rules.


Thanks Gary,

Comments noted from other threads regarding minutes of meetings etc, we will make an effort to keep members better informed on Council activities.



Big col

Many Thanks to Andy.

Best wishes to David.
I might be rough but I'm slow as well.

MkIV Lux

Many thanks to Andy for his dedication to the club over the past 10 years.

Good wishes to David for the next 10 years.

Not an easy task, past and future.

I am sure that there will be lots of support from the Council and Members.

Best regards