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2022/23 Renewals

Started by bobbylangley, April 01, 2022, 12:11:41

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Many, many thanks to all the ACOC members who have renewed their subscription, it really is appreciated. We are quite a small club and a substantial part of your subscription goes to producing ACtion, the award-winning club magazine ably produced by Terry Webb and always a good read every month. If you are not sure that you have renewed you can check your status by looking at the renewal date on your profile; if it says 2022 then you will have to renew for the coming year. And to those on the forum who look at these posts and are not members, why not join? It's worth it for the magazine alone besides any other benefits.


Spot on Bobby, Terry produces a cracking  magazine every month. The only problem being that once delivered the morning's work gets put on hold whilst ACtion is read cover to cover.....
I could not imagine making much progress on my A.C.s without the Club