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Aceca bumpers

Started by nicksonsticks, April 15, 2021, 17:53:49

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Hi, Im looking for some Aceca tubular bumpers (front and rear), does anybody know where I could source some or know of anyone who is able to make them up without an old unit as a pattern?
Many thanks in advance.


The Aceca bumpers are very simple affairs and would be easy to make up with a pipe bender; two stainless steel tubes front and rear (1" i/d; 1 and 1/16"o/d) with 90degree curved ends and grooves cut in at the appropriate place to clear the over-rider bolts. The ends have push-in stops originally (I think) as per my front bumper with fabricated stainless stops  and (probably not original) as per my back bumper which has chrome stops (perhaps as used in tubular furniture?). The front is 53" overall (outside edges of tubes)  and the rear wider at 57". You also need the over-riders; Ford or Standard 8 items
I have a spare front bumper (ie 2 tubes) you'd be welcome to have; a little dented in a couple of places but perfectly serviceable and would be a model to copy. Could post but a bit of an awkward shape- I'm located in Kent if you could pick up. Chris


Hi, if you use a pipe bender you will have to draw the pipe as you bend or you will create a compression bend. I would find an engineering company who can create an extrusion bend & have the correct radii mandrels to bend the pipe around, the radius is different front and back on the Aceca.
Hope this helps.


Thanks so much for the info everyone, I've also looked at a previous post which has the measurements for front and rear for both the Ace and Aceca.
Chris I would love to take you up on the offer of your old bumper to use as a pattern, I'll pm my contact details and hopefully we can work out a plan of collecting it.
Many thanks again



Thanks Chris, I've just sent you an email.
Many thanks



I am a little late to the party but hope this helps.

My AC Bumpers were bent and knocked and in my car's history file I found an invoice for a set of rear bumpers from around 1980 from a company called Pipecraft owned by the ex racing driver Nick Crossley.

They still exist and are doing well so I took my bumpers over and had new sets made. I got Nick's team to scollop out where the bolts go and finish the pipes with solid sealed ends. All in stainless steel and polished.

They came back perfect and fitted better than the pattern bumpers off my car.

Nick's details are below and a picture of the finished result.

Nick Crossley, M.D.
Pipecraft Innovations Ltd.
(Incorporating Pipecraft Innovations Ltd - CNC Division)
Units 6-7, Wayside,
Commerce Way,
West Sussex. BN15 8SW

Tel: 01903 766778
Fax: 01903 754325



Hi Paul,
Thanks for the info, they look great and I'm literally 20 mins away from Lancing, however I've got something in place now and pretty confident that they will turn out just as beautiful as yours.
Huge thanks to fellow AC owner Chris for very kindly allowing me to measure and photograph the bumpers on His lovely Aceca and to Gerry at Hawk Cars.
I'm sure the contact at Pipecraft will be really useful to other members of the group.
PS if anybody needs any measurements or diagrams / photos of Aceca bumpers just let me know

Many thanks
