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Ace Bristol video by Petrolicious - starring (previous) ACOC member Robin Grove

Started by ted, February 14, 2019, 08:35:35

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A bit light on technical details on the car but nice to see an AC getting plenty of praise in the video and the comments.

Great cinematography from Petrolicious as always.

Robin attended the Ace 60th Anniversary race at Silverstone 2014 where some of us met her. I don't think the Californians were overly impressed with the weather that day....

AC Ace Bristol


Brilloiant little video  and Spot On regards our weather ..  Robin Couldn't believe how Cold our rain was compared with rainfall in California.

Was great to catch up with Robin, Stacie and Stephan at Silverstone and thank her for offering special rates to ship 4 ACs per Container out to West Coast
for potential ACOC USA International organised by Gus meyjes,.  Unfortunately 3 weeks holiday for two inc shipping Ace , flights ,hotels/motels etc was over £10,000.  Most of us couldn't justify the cost, So this great 2013 potential trip was put on hold.

Great to see and hear Robin using and enjoying BEX1213..... ;)
