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Aceca registrar

Started by Exowner, January 04, 2019, 06:47:18

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I have been trying to contact the Aceca registrar by email. I have had no response.
Are you out there????

AC Ace Bristol


Give Geoff a call, He prefers verbal contact than emails.
Telephone number is in the 2013 & 2018  membership list.


I've got my new year's ranting head on!
Thanks Keith, the following rant is not aimed at your good self.

I am now an ex-owner, and my reason for wishing to contact him was to let him, as Aceca registrar, know! After 3 emails to 2 different email addresses, I'll not bother.
As the Aceca register currently on the website is the one I updated immediately before I gave up the post 4 or so years ago, I can't see that letting him know will make much difference. I am aware of his intention to relinquish the post of registrar and whoever takes over will have to undertake 4 years of updates for the register on the website to reflect to current status.
The role of a registrar is to keep an updated register, for the benefit of ACOC members, owners and others. If that only exists as his/her's hard-copy then the website is out of date until someone with even the most basic computer skills takes over.
I think the club should ensure that whoever takes over has the capability to progress the role in the modern world, not just entrusting the role to a person who states that they 'don't like emails' - it's called "Due diligence"
Preferring verbal contact is not very considerate for overseas members, not answering emails in this day and age is, well.....
End of rant
Glenn Burnage
ACOC member
Former Aceca registrar (for 8+yrs)
and former Aceca owner

AC Ace Bristol


All Points taken.   I will bring them up at the next Council meeting on Thursday  31st January 2019.

As you well know, All positions held by Council  Members and The Registrars are Voluntary,  often juggling Work , Family and Social life. 

The new Registrars for the AC Ace  and Mk1V Cobra are updating their inherited  Registers and reformatting where necessary  to include more  information  electronically, Whilst maintaining hard copy. and creating a specific complementary  pictorial  reference  library . :)
As you know,  Many AC's change hands without  ever appearing on the open market, Many change hands via Auction and move Counties, Countries and even Continents,  Abiding by Law  and complying with data protection, Our registers will never be 100% accurate  and up to date . :(

Speaking to some of our Registrars (past and Present) they spend many hours a month answering questions  and updating data , at their own expense
and often not even being given a thank you or courteous acknowledgment.  :-[

Rest assured, I will bring up the Subject on behalf of all ACOC members and AC Custodians  at the Next Council Meeting.  on Thursday31st January.

Cheers for Now



On the topic of technical data and after making a few personal observations I was brought to compile the registers for cars originally using Bristol engines and came up with something that looks like this.
I started from the Ace Bristol register which gave the basic format but added a few columns.
The "Latest Update" column in particular mentions the date when the last bit of information on a given chassis number was entered, which I feel is somewhat important.

(The powers of Excel allowed me to highlight that 16 Bristol engines were each fitted at the factory in 2 different chassis numbers - I know the Bristol engine has many qualities but being ubiquitous is a bit much surely?)

This is a possible way to reformat all the registers. I am happy to volunteer if I am provided with all the current registers in an Excel format. I have no ambition as a registrar but happy to bring a more user-friendly and relevant formatting if it might be of any use.

AC Ace Bristol

. Glenn

With effect of February 10th ( Tomorrow) We have a new Registrar for the AC Aceca.

The ACOC  Council  thank " Geoff Wilkinson " for  running the AC Aceca  register  and Welcome   " Marc Atkinson " as the new  AC Aceca Registrar.

With Marc's IT skills, the AC Aceca Register will be amended, updated and brought into the 21st Century, following the lines of the very comprehensive
Ace Bristol Register... ;)
Marc also intends to build up a Pictorial reference  library of each  AC Aceca....   :)
Can  All AC Aceca owners / Custodians  please email picture/s and confirm any changes to the Register with Marc over the next month or so... ;)

The next issue of ACtion Magazine will confirm Marcs details: and Officially thank Geoff for looking after the  AC Aceca Register 

Marcs   E mail address :
telephone number :           07793 133099



Quote from: TTM on January 04, 2019, 15:34:06
On the topic of technical data and after making a few personal observations I was brought to compile the registers for cars originally using Bristol engines and came up with something that looks like this.
I started from the Ace Bristol register which gave the basic format but added a few columns.
The "Latest Update" column in particular mentions the date when the last bit of information on a given chassis number was entered, which I feel is somewhat important.

(The powers of Excel allowed me to highlight that 16 Bristol engines were each fitted at the factory in 2 different chassis numbers - I know the Bristol engine has many qualities but being ubiquitous is a bit much surely?)

This is a possible way to reformat all the registers. I am happy to volunteer if I am provided with all the current registers in an Excel format. I have no ambition as a registrar but happy to bring a more user-friendly and relevant formatting if it might be of any use.

I have been converting the pdf version of the various Ace Registers to Excel format for my personal use.  If you have a copy of Acrobat Pro, simply save the file as an Excel file and you are good to go with just minor cleanup.  If the pdf version has some missing lines in the tables (some do) then you have to manually draw the lines in the pdf copy of the file before you convert it to Excel.  If you don't add the missing lines, then Acrobat doesn't know how to convert the tables and you end up with long data strings. 

You correctly point out the fact the Registers do not have common formats or naming terminology so combining them is a pain.   

Good luck,
ACOC 4117


Well, I think I just did some kind of special copy/paste from pdf to excel and correcting the remaining quirks was not too much of a pain, if not particularly exciting. The end results are worth it in my opinion as dynamic graphs allow highlighting details that are not exactly obvious on a blank sheet of paper. For instance the original colour of my Ace was not used on any other Bristol-engine AC leaving the factory, at least according to the registers... bean counter's fun.


When I said pain, I was referring to the combining of all four Registers, Ace, Ace Bristol, Aceca, and Aceca Bristol.  Maybe pain is not the right word.  Maybe I'm just complaining the formats aren't identical.   ;)