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AC Cars Manufacturing (USA)

Started by KenB, October 24, 2006, 07:24:06

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What happened to the proposed factory in Bridgeport, CT?  From a comment on another thread regarding AC Malta, it appears the effort has been scrapped.  Never heard any official announcement from the State of CT.  Also, haven't heard any news at all since last Nov's announcement.  There was also a connection with Secart in Bethel, CT.  What is the real story with the whole CT factory/AC (USA) thing?  MARK IV, you seem to have a good handle on the recent history of AC/Alan L.  Do you know what happened in CT?  Was it some type of ploy to obtain state funding and run, or use it to pay off debts somewhere else?
   Are they actually building cars in MALTA, or has all production stopped worldwide while Alan L. hides from creditors?  Just curious as to current status of company.

Mark IV

I have answered this question off-line as I do not wish to expose the ACOC to the possible legal actions that would come answering these questions in a truthful manner. The UK legal system has very different defination of libel and slander than does the US. I asked the administrator once before to let me know if my answers would place the ACOC in any risk of legal action, so I will not post anything here that could endanger the ACOC for providing this forum.


Thanks for your discretion, Rick.  I am no legal expert but the ACOC clearly needs to stay well away from anything that might be contentious.


   As a solicitor (I'm not claiming to be a legal expert please note) Rick is well advised in keeping his comments concerning Mr Lubinsky off-line.
   The offence in the UK is Defamation (Libel/Slander).  Reducing one's standing in the minds of one's right-thinking peers (not "the Public" please note).  This means that "car" issues would be judged by the standards of "car people" NOT members of the public.
   It is expensive to institute a Defamation claim (£25,000+), much much more expensive to answer (defend) and a complete pig to defend - let alone defeat.  Truth is the only Absolute Defence, everything else is just a Partial Defence (ie you'll still pay something).  But an award of costs is always the killer (£1 million in costs is not uncommon for big cases which sometimes only get damages awards of £70,000 - £200,000.  Winning is often a bad defeat if costs go against you. (Coronation Street stars/Oscar Wilde etc).
   The other problems to consider are:  Every time the posting on the web site is read a separate offence instantly occurs AND the person who posted the piece is liable as is the person who provided the means to post.  IE both Club member and the club are jointly and severally liable, in full, on EVERY occaision.  (There is no liablity limit for Defamation in the UK)
   Remember - You can think what you like - just be careful what you say!

Mark IV

   Right you are. While the legal system in the US is famous for questionable lawsuits (the woman who sued McDonalds and won a large sum because the coffee she bought at the drive-thru, and put between her legs to hold, spilled and was hot enough to burn her[?][:0]), libel/slander here is a VERY rare case as it is quite hard to prove under our rules.
   I will continue to spout the truth however I will not place the ACOC at risk for no greater crime than having provided the forum.