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ACtion Magazines

Started by Morgy, January 07, 2019, 13:39:06

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Hi All

I know this is going to be a very long shot but does anyone have any ACtion Magazines from 67 through to 79-80  Ideally 74-78. My copies are from 1979 to 91

The reason i am asking is I am looking for any info i can find about my car COB6116 So if anyone has any editions they would be happy to sell or Lend to me i would be most grateful. 

Thanks in advance


AC Ace Bristol


Quickly scanned through the odd box of Duplicate ACtion/ Accent and Reviews, I can help you with the following:-

AC Owners Club Review  1974.
ACtion  :-  November 1977.
ACtion  :-  March 78, April 78 and May 78.
ACtion  :   1979
ACtion  :   1980
Total    :    ACtion Magaizens    21

If these are of interest  please contact by email  or give me a call.

Details as per  ACOC membership list.

Keith Lessiter
