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Whereabouts of Aceca AEX661

Started by pjbowman, February 13, 2008, 17:37:07

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Anyone know the current owner of wherabouts of Aceca AEX661? Nothing listed in the register for a last known owner.
Peter B.

AC Ace Bristol

   Last I heard of AEX661 ( Maroon colour ) AC Aceca was when it was lot number 356 at Brooks on the 8th October 1999 Hershey.  Estimate $22000 - $280000.
   It was then fitted with a Bristol engine number 100D2993 (1960).
   Hopefully this gives you a lead.
   Not sure if John Lewis the AC Aceca registrar could help you, The ACOC registers are accurate only if new and old custodians communicate with the relevent Registrars.
   Good Luck


Thanks Keith, its a start!
Peter B.

AC Ace Bristol

   Will call in to John Lewis on Sunday evening and enquire re: AEX661, Being the Aceca (AC engined)Reistrar he has both a paper / Document Register and a electronic register,  both are more concise than printed in Model Directory. ( Data protection Act etc )
   Peter,  Why the interest in this specific Aceca ??  Have you  actually bought it ? Thinking of buying it ?
   Johns email :  Johnatbvrla dotcodot uk
   Please confirm your email address to John Lewis, He could assist you in History & data re; AEX661 pending data stored on register.
   Nice to hear you got a positive response from John Abel.... The New AC Spares Co-ordinator re: Back window for Aceca.
   Just a short line to say "Congrats to John Abel on taking up the Post and responding so quickly,  nothing more frustrating than waiting for response / reply that never comes, especially when it holds up a restoration or keeps the AC off the road / track."


   Yep, when I restored my Aceca, took a buck off the Aceca Screen. My screen is fine, but we are doing a small change as the TT workshop rear doors seem different too mine [well what do you expect hand made stuff]. We have checked the TT workshop screen against three doors and it fits better than mine. So that is the decision, should have back in a week or so.


Keith/all – actually, I have just purchased Aceca AEX672. Here's the reason I'm curios about AEX661.
   AEX672 (my car) was the next AC engined-Aceca built after AEX661. Both were shipped to BC Sports in Canada (along with some other cars). AEX672 spent its entire life in Canada until I purchased it in 2007. The engine in AEX672 is listed in the registry as CL 2362-W, and the engine for AEX661 listed as CL 2356-W. The data plate on my car reflects this number. However, my car (672) currently has the engine listed in the registry for AEX661 (CL 2356-W), so I was curious as to what engine is now in AEX661. I have records for my car going back to the 1960s, and while it's possible that the engine was swapped out early in its life for the engine listed as being in 661, I'm more inclined to believe that the factory records are in error, and that the two engines were just put into the other's car during the build. I was hoping to find if 661 actually had the engine listed for 672, but if the previous post is correct and 661 now has a Bristol engine in place, I may never find out for sure.
   None of this really makes a difference, but its always fun to try and trace the history of these cars.
   Interestingly, my car is actually fitted with electric 'carb warmers', which I have never seen before, reflecting its life in the cold Canadian climate.
   Thanks to all for your help.
Peter B.

Gus Meyjes

Hi Peter,
   I own AEX 674. Could you tell me if you ran into any records including information on my car in your search? My car was exported to Canada as well.


Hi Gus - haven't run across anything on your car yet, although the register lists both of our cars as ex-works on the same date, with AEX673 in between going ex-works earlier than ours?! Maybe your car was in the same shipment as mine, any idea where it went to in Canada?
Peter B.

Gus Meyjes

This was the info I got from John Lewis, registrar. To date that is all I have.
   Gus – Hi - AEX674 was produced on 24th June 1958 – original colour was Svecia Red pant with Red Leather interior.
   It was originally supplied to BC Sports Cars of Vancouver Canada. We have no further information then until you advised us.
   A lot of years missing but not unusual for an Aceca which was quite often owned as an everyday car with owners not being ACOC members or bothering to keep records.
   John Lewis


Gus - based on John's info, both our cars were shipped to BC Sports Cars in Vancouver, so they are 'sister' cars, and I'm sure they were in the same shipment. BC Sports still exists, but my understanding is they no longer have records dating that far back.
Peter B.

AC Ace Bristol

   According to Ace / Aceca register 1954/1963   2nd Edition dated Dec1991,  compiled by    Randall Baselt..  ( PO Box 8209, Foster City.  CA 94404.  USA. tel  ;   415-573-6222....fax  415 573 6698
   ( Caution these tel / fax numbers are dated 1991 a mere 17 years
   ago so could well wrong, but worth a try.  Nothing ventured nothing gained !
   AEX672    was owned in Dec 91 by R Schmidt in Canada the engine fitted was CL2356 ENWT.
   Whilst  AEX661 was owned by a M> Maggrulli of USA which hwas by then fitted with a Bristol Engine number  100D2 993.
   Not sure if this helps clarify the situation or complicates it still further.
   Hopefully,  by contacting Randall either directly or via Ron Leonard you might confirm more History of both Acecas.
   Once you have established the true facts, please confirm with John Lewis so the Official ACOC register can be ammended accordingly, I know John would appreciate any accurate data and pictures.
   Cheers 4 Now