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Ol Girls engine swap

Started by GSouthee, November 12, 2016, 19:27:03

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Well as some of you may know the Ol Girls engine has suffered 2 scored bores from broken rings, so eventually I will rebuild it from scratch with new water jacket new liners etc etc (read expensive) but over time I may be able to source some bits a bit cheaper.
   Now in the the meantime I have decided to swap the engine in the Ol Girl with a Triumph 6 and 4 speed OD unit, I have had this some time and was running well when last installed in a Ford Model B rod. However I have decided to rebuild it and it currently at the engineers getting a rebore +60, crank regrind, head converted to unleaded and a 30 thou skim, etc, I have sourced from Russ Carpenter racing a set of hepolite (NOS) balanced pistons (they used to use these in the Daimler 250 engines), Also sourced a Piper yellow 2ty camshaft, which should give me some 130 bhp and 150 ft lbs.
   This should give the Ol Girl a new lease of life.
   I am itching to get down the garage and get the old engine out of her but a knee replacement has slowed me down a bit but now getting around a bit better, so soon will be at it.
   I will be selling some bits shortly such as an excellent Moss box I have is store, and quite possibly the one on the car at the moment as well also excellent. The carbs will go as well and as you may know these were fully rebuilt last December. I will also be getting rid of the dynamo also fully rebuilt. So if anyone wants any of these bits give me a shout.
   Soon as I start I will take pics etc and give updates as to how it all goes.
   Cheers now  Gary
A car is only original once, but, you can modify it as many times as you like.

My car my rules.


At last the Triumph engine is back from the engineers, all bored, balanced and ready to build. Will start this weekend. Waiting for the head as being converted to unleaded and a little gas flowing.
   Got nose cone off the Ol girl and the rad out, gearbox tunnel off, prop off, all bolts undone for engine removal, so hope to get it out in the next week, but its bloody cold in garage even with my gas heater.
   Oh and did anyone see readers cherished cars in Classic and Sports Car mag this month, thought I get the old 2 litre a bit of coverage especially as they have been covering so many other AC's recently.
A car is only original once, but, you can modify it as many times as you like.

My car my rules.


Hi all
   Well at last engine and box now out. Came out nice and easy with the nose off. Came out complete. Big ol lump when you you see on the floor.
   Now to clean engine bay down and some painting in there as well. Tidy up some wiring so it runs down the bottom of the inner wing out of harms way.
   Gearbox now split off and will be for sale shortly ,so if you want one complete with all parts for fitting inc pedal/lever etc, then I am after approx £280 to £300 ish. I can deliver upto about 50 miles for cost of fuel which will be about £25 as it will be in a  V8 landrover.
   Heres a link to pics of removal.
   Soon to have the Triumph engine all built up and put in place to make engine mounts etc.
   Cheers  Gary
A car is only original once, but, you can modify it as many times as you like.

My car my rules.


So, down garage today. I decided to move the front wiring loom before I clean out the engine bay with Gunk etc and look a repaint in there.
   Well as moving the loom I heard a nasty cracking sound, on checking it seems brittle and breaking wiring insulation. Probably due to long term heat exposure and oils etc. So remove the loom, then the regulator box as the Triumph engine will be running an alternator. Should I go for a replica regulator box, No, a rummage in my spares cupboard and I find a new 10 circuit wiring loom with fuse box and relays all pre-wired, left over from an old hotrod project.
   So now a rewire to be carried out, might as well as I would have had to break into the old loom for extra wires. While at it might as well run new wiring through to rear as well. Ho Hum.
   Anyway engine bay now all clear of everything, gunked, power-washed, blow dry with gas heater, ready for paint tomorrow. The start the rewire for the front before the engine goes in.
   One step forward 2 back, but that's the joys eh!
   Cheers  Gary
A car is only original once, but, you can modify it as many times as you like.

My car my rules.


Down garage again today, painted out engine bay in Supercote tractor black, if its good enough for tractors in the field its good enough to protect the engine bay. Looking good.
   Noted steering box a bit loose on bolt so tightened that a notch or two.7
   Regulator box now off, dash off and all wiring stripped out, in for a penny in for a pound, anyway it was going to have to fiddled with as again Triumph engine positive earth. At least I'll know all wiring good and up to date.
   Next will be working out where I want wiring to run and make it neat and tidy.
   Day off tomorrow going out.
   And the regulator box is a R95/3, going stick it on Ebay at £50 ulness someone here gets in first.
   Cheers  G
A car is only original once, but, you can modify it as many times as you like.

My car my rules.


Hi  Been a while due to household duties like full redecoration of main bedroom, Bugger I hate doing wallpaper. Then followed by a torn tendon/ruptured muscle in my upper arm, Now that hurt.
   Still enough of my woes, back to the 'Ol Girl' The engine is all built up and gearbox attached, been in and out of the engine bay numerous times to see what needs trimming back and what needs modifications etc etc. Made up some cardboard engine mounting brackets (no they will be in steel)so I can sit engine as low and as far back as possible.
   Carbs are due back this week. Will finish painting out the bay later today where I have had to cut some metal away in the front crossmember so the the front pulley clears and I can get the fan belt on and off with doing the old AC tick of undoing the engine mounts and jacking up the engine. Welded in some reinforcement to compensate for the loss of metal. Also cut off the original engine mounting points so that the Triumph will fit on the angled plate.
   Loads of clearance around engine, looks like it should have been in there in the first place. The gearbox mount for the AC was cut off as that fouled on the bottom of the overdrive, the gearbox will mount very nicely directly on top of the centre plate on the chassis. The propshaft will need shortening by 2.5 inches, will get that off in the next week or so.
   Coming along nicely now, once I have fabricated the steel brackets I will mount engine in permanently and start the wiring up and plumbing.
   Here are some pics of engine bay with trimming done etc and engine sort in place.
   Onward and upward as they say.
A car is only original once, but, you can modify it as many times as you like.

My car my rules.


Hi, been a while since on here to update you with where I am at with the Ol Girl, well been a bit delayed with a couple of body matters like a ruptured bicep and having my other knee replaced, now I am like the bloody bionic man, also a couple of holidays. Anyway back in the swing of it now.
   The carbs have been rebuilt and engine gearbox fitted with the mounts I made. Engine sits very nicely in the bay. Exhaust manifold and down pipe sit in just the right place. Need to modify the throttle bar to suit the carbs being on the other side of the engine, just a  case of shortening and putting on a lever for the cable. Propshaft is away at present being shortened by 2 inches and a new flange to suit the Triumph overdrive gearbox. Speedo and auxiliary dial away at Speedy cables to get a speedo cable made up and have the oil and water capillaries made up to suit the Triumph engine, also getting the ammeter up-rated to suit an alternator.
   Started the wiring, I purchased a 10 way fuse box and relay set up with 4 metres of cables already fitted to run to switches etc. I am going to use 13 core motor home cable with 21amp and 29amp load wires to the front and 10 core to the rear. I will be able to run these out of sight in the main. I intend to keep the engine bay as uncluttered as I can.
   Need to decide whether to keep the open water system as per the original AC system or to convert to a normal pressure cap, need to discuss with my Triumph engine guru when I can get hold of him. Also thinking of using waterless coolant, any one had success with this stuff?
   Making up a 2" stainless system to give it a nice straight 6 burble, using a through flow turbo muffler.
   So getting there and hopefully will have a test start up in the next week or 2, will let you if all goes bang or not.
   added a link to some pics below.
A car is only original once, but, you can modify it as many times as you like.

My car my rules.


Right the prop shaft is back all nicely shortened, balanced and painted all in £100. All fitted as well. Now can start to make/modify the gearbox tunnel/cover.
   As for the speedo and aux dial still awaiting at speedy cables for a quote and for them to get on with it, been there 3 weeks nearly and still not been looked allegedly will be looked at this week (not much of that left) and SPEEDY they are not.
   Now connected all the fuel system up with a Malpassi Filter King pressure regulator and filter, as Triumph SU HS6's like around 2psi fuel pressure.
   Taking Rad to the rad works near me to get inlet outlets sorted and a normal type pressure cap fitted, will also get it pressure tested and if required flushed out or a new core.
   Getting there, hope to make the Nationals all being well.
   Cheers Now.
A car is only original once, but, you can modify it as many times as you like.

My car my rules.


HI  Just a quickie.
   Rad now done and installed. I got my speedo cable done and eventually I got my auxiliary dial back as uneconomical to repair would have cost circa £280!!! really and speedy cables are not speedy took them 4 weeks just to let me know!. With luck a fellow member has got an auxiliary dial and is sending it to me.
   Engine wiring loom all done and so far all the front end loom and electrics now fitted and working, just to connect the rear end and then tidy it all away in the dash area. I have made my own loom using a pre-wired fuse/relay kit from a hot rod supplier, it came with all the fuses and relays fitted with 3 mtrs of cables attached so easy to run to switches etc and then to my loom which is 13 core and 10 core trailer cable.
   Just fiddling with the exhaust system this week.
   Getting there slowly, still aiming for nationals.
   Cheers  G
A car is only original once, but, you can modify it as many times as you like.

My car my rules.


Well  Nationals came and went.
   Exhaust now fitted 2 inch stainless right through. Enginr sounds lovely.
   Just had clutch pedal delivered (top fitting hydraulic), will bee fitting tomorrow.
   Also making up a suitable throttle connection using the original pedal, but making it fit carbs on opposite side to the AC engine.
   Getting there.
   Also starting to play with my new toy another 2 litre.
A car is only original once, but, you can modify it as many times as you like.

My car my rules.


Hi at last the engine bay all done and just the gearbox tunnel to finish next week then a shakedown run, before getting carpets fitted assuming all goes well.

Tuned the carbs and set up timing and now engine sounds sweet thorough the 2 inch system, on a fast tick over for 30 mins, temp kept steady and oil pressure all good.

Here is a pic or two of the engine bay, cant wait to get on the road, the engine should be giving approx. 140 bhp and 165 lbs torque so should be fine for cruising with the overdrive gearbox.
A car is only original once, but, you can modify it as many times as you like.

My car my rules.


Well shakedown run OK'ish,  found the overdrive was not cutting in, found to be a fault on the OD wiring loom, my fault put a wire on wrong side of one of the operating switches. OK now.

Also found that where the tail of the gearbox is slightly further back in the tunne,l the prop shaft when on full bounce/rebound over a hump just made contact with the tunnel, done a trial with a half inch wood spacer under the tunnel mount lip and all ok, so will split the side of the tunnel and weld a strip in.

Other  than that all good so far, will do a longer run next week.
A car is only original once, but, you can modify it as many times as you like.

My car my rules.