
SMF - installed December 2017.
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Started by ACAdmin, December 23, 2017, 15:59:46

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The plan to put ACtion online has had to be shelved for copyright reasons.  Quite a few historical photographs have been released by the copyright holders for hard copy publication only.  Editing the PDFs to remove them would be a huge job. 

There is an informal 'swap' scheme running for members to complete their ACtion collections.  If there are specific issues you need, contact either me or Keith Lessiter. 

I've completed the ACtion index back to the first issue in May 1974 when it became a 'monthly' but have no plans to go further back to the newsletter days. 
Members Area -> Model Directory -> ACtion Archive

If the members area login doesn't work, email me and I'll check your login details.


There has been discussion about this on the Forum previously. ACtion is not available online and I believe the problem is with copyright. We are given dispensation (in Archive) for example) to use certain photographs in articles but only for publication in Action, not to be widely available by other means, eg, pdf format online. Therefore it is not published online. And the members' area and the Forum are two different log ins as the members' area is for members only and the Forum is open to all so your problem may lie here. Also when renewing your membership, for a short time whilst we await PayPal confirmation your membership passes from Current (where you can log in) to Pending (where you can't). Upon confirmation you are manually moved back into Current. You may have been in Pending when you tried to log in. Try again.


Action is not available on line (it has been said before). The reasons are several but the most obvious being copyright granted to us for photographs etc to appear in ACtion, but not on any other platform.