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3 questions

Started by Exowner, October 04, 2016, 12:16:25

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I have just had a quick skip through this thread, and it strikes me that as with any subject there are an awful lot of talkers with opinions, and precious few do-ers who actually get the job done. The ACOC Council of Management meets on the last Thursday of every month at the King's Head, Westmoreland St. W1G 8PJ from 19.00 onwards. We always appreciate members and AC enthusiasts to join in. After the usual Council Business, there is time to chat and suggest new ideas. I must say, we have discussed the open access to the ACOC Forum ad-nauseam, and the overwhelming majority of do-ers have voted to keep it open. Through this policy we have made contact with non members all over the world who have helped identify and find missing cars, and source components, photos and history which otherwise would remain lost. Whilst I am no Spring Chicken, I do not subscribe to the restrictive practices of pre-Thatcher Britain, where knowledge was power and therefore kept secret from outsiders. ACs are my passion, and I am happy to share all of my enthusiasm with any like minded soul. My real name is available to registered Forum contributors and I do not hide behind layers of security. Anyone can send me a message via the Forum, and my personal email address is available in the Members' Area of the ACOC Website. Nik, it was good to see you at the NEC. I'm with you and believe openness is the way forward.


This may be a bit off message, but elsewhere we have been discussing the ACOC Sprint down at Goodwood. It is the last competitive sporting event which is organised by the Club. Over the years, the attendance by ACOC members driving AC cars has dwindled down to just 8 entries this year, down from a peak of 33 in 1990! I admit this year was a particularly poor turnout from ACOC members in ACs, as there were 18 or so last year, but the trend is ever downwards. Entries are also open to ACOC members in non-ACs (17 this year) and non ACOC members in non ACs (31 this year). By inviting outsiders we can keep the event going, in the hope that sons and daughters of members, and new owners of these beautiful cars will come out to play in the future. We are incredibly lucky to have a Saturday slot at Goodwood, and if we failed to renew our application, we would never have another Sprint at Goodwood as there is a queue waiting for anyone to drop out. We would then be a Club representing some of the most charismatic sports and racing cars in the world, without an event in which they can compete. That would be a sad day, and so we try various ways to encourage entrants in their ACs. Whether it be the Forum, the Sprint, the International Meeting, the National Day or the Dinner Dance, we need members to join in and enjoy making new friends.


It does indeed seem a great shame that the Sprint is a shadow of its former self in terms of AC entries.  It used to be a fantastic display of a great number of AC cars at full chat going back over 20 years now.
   I think part of the problem is that the Sprint rules and regulations/equipment/helmet and overalls etc are far more stringent these days and you really need to be a committed sprinter with several events booked for the year to make it all worthwhile. Added to this, there is also the fact that car track days are now far more prevalent. You get  at least 40 laps of the circuit in as opposed to only 3 or 4 at a sprint. Contrast the event with the mid-week Brooklands Trust track day that was held at Goodwood only days before which was over subscribed. If times have changed then you have to move on.
   Perhaps there are two ways forward? Either make it a track day and see how many members fancy enjoying the circuit at their own pace for pure fun - different fast/slow groups as usual. Or, make it a 'must do' event in the calender, perhaps run along Intermarque Championship lines to make it a real spectacle - invited clubs only - AC/Aston Martin/Ferrari/Jaguar/Porsche. Now that would be really interesting and there are enough competition enthusiasts in those clubs to take up the allotted places. Goodwood is a definite draw and many would fancy a post- Revival thrash no doubt.


This merits a new thread, as I feel it may swamp this one.


What about some response to Q3?


I have been watching this thread and really I wonder what the hell are you moaning about. I see no problem with it having public access, some may join at some time. Some do not own AC but have advice and fixes that may be relevant to older cars. There is not traffic on here as it is, it would be worse if closed to members only.
   As for posting photos what is wrong with a link to photobucket etc, posting pics on the forum only slows the thing down anyway.
   And as for the Brexit register its a name only whats the problem. Some have nothing better to do.
   Go and get in your AC, drive it, use it, give any advice you have gained from using it to others.
   There are more worrying things wrong with the club like why are we hosting the international surely it should be abroad, we have the national here (when someone decides when/where it is going to be). Why do we have a rehash of the Action from throughout the year in January?
   Ho hum now I going to fiddle with the ol girl.
   see ya.  G
A car is only original once, but, you can modify it as many times as you like.

My car my rules.


Thank you Gary. I think you have put the world to rights and deserve time to go fiddle! For Glenn I would say that the production of a set of bound registers was thoroughly discussed by the ACOC Council of Management, and the unanimous decision was made to go ahead. The Club will publish a set of up-to-date bound registers, and a Blue Book Membership List. Whether members are IT literate or not, both documents afford immediate reference sources which are much appreciated by most members judging by the well thumbed examples to be seen. Unlike the Database, lapsed members can be found in the Blue Book, and notes written in the margin of the registers. I believe that fully answers question 3. No 2 has already been discussed and decided, which only leaves No 1 which is Work In Progress.