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How many 428's?

Started by cliffordl, February 10, 2016, 09:08:23

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Paul, it would be interesting to know some stats regarding how many 428's are still in existence. Your register has some known and others unknown.The Club membership list records some but not all.
   Presumably Andy holds further club records which might add to the list?
   Be nice to have an overall total for rh/lh drive convertibles/coupes.


Agreed. Although the Register is up to date it's always solely from info posted on here so afraid I honestly don't know, wish I did.
   I wonder if it's the same problem for all the other models on here as well...?

AC Ace Bristol

   All AC's irrespective of model and year often move from Custodian to Custodian and country to Country, with very little data being forward to the respective ACOC Registrar, Many change hands with non ACOC Members,[:(] this is why many of us continually furnish the respective  AC Registrar with new details in order to assist in maintaining as accurate record as possible.[;)]
   Each Register will NEVER be 100% accurate, hence regular requests for any data new or old is always appreciated by both the registrar and new Custodian.
   We all need to email data to the respective Registrar....[:)]


Thanks Keith interesting, I wonder if it's the same for other marques as well ?
   Perhaps there's some sort of profit based system as distinct from club based voluntary ones out there which would parallel this situation and copy/ expand on that ?
   Perhaps rope in some of the big international auctioneers for their thoughts as it might be in their long term interest too ?
   Just my hap'orth to hopefully generate some thoughts on this enduring difficulty....


Well a study of your database and what's appeared online in recent years would suggest a fair chance of the following numbers;
   25 / 29 convertibles and 43 / 50 coupes. Plus the three prototype cars.
   Of the missing cars one is a known write off and seven have turned into Cobras (so I guess theoretically could be returned to 428 form working on the theory that a good 428 is now worth more than a dodgy cobra?)
   That leaves CF8 conv and CFX 10 & 61 coupes on the missing list. All others have appeared in some way or other in the past ten years or so.
   As to where they are? Well cars move about - I know for certain that three went to the Middle East in recent years. But based on last known location we'd get;
   UK 11 / 23
   US and Canada 8 / 11
   Continental Europe 5 / 7
   Middle East 1 / 2

tim isles

Just to re-wind a bit and go back to numbers produced, I was a former 428 owner back in the 1970s (CF 17 and CF 19). I was a fairly regular visitor to the factory in those days, which gave me the opportunity to research these cars. I discussed numbers produced with Fred Larrimore and Keith Judd; the breakdown they gave me then was 50 Fastbacks and 31 Convertibles. These figures included CF 81, the closed headlight convertible and the final car, which had still to be completed at the time. Has anything come up in recent research to question these figures? Tim


Perhaps one or two of the major Classic Car mags might be willing to help out given their worldwide circulation...?


Sorry chaps, I only just noticed this string on the forum. According to my records which are freely available on the Members' Side of the ACOC Model Directory on the Website, there were 29 convertibles and 52 Fastbacks including CF 81. There is also the Booth Brothers' Prototype 429 4 Seat Coupe which could also be included in the 428 register. From the 81 428's listed by the factory, I have managed to find 69 of the original cars, of which one has been converted into an Aceca Special, and 4 into Cobras, leaving I believe 64 428 Fruas which are known to exist. There may be future barn finds so I live in hope that some gaps may yet be filled. Andy.


Looking through the updates there is also CFX 13 which Siegfried says is a complete Barn Find, so that may add another Fastback to the tally.

tim isles

Thanks Andy. You don't list a body style for CF59 and CFX 61 in the register. Both Fastbacks, both Convertibles, or one of each? Tim


Hi Tim,
   According to the original AC factory records, both are fastbacks. I have no idea why they had been left blank on the register!
   Cheers, Andy.