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Five speed conversion

Started by minimans, June 06, 2013, 23:18:14

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Hi, does anybody know of a five speed conversion for a Bristol Aceca? I know not really my choice but the customer is really keen.......


   I can see the attraction of a 'cruising' gear - when the Aceca was designed roads were a bit more twisty. However A.C. did have the autobahn and autostrade covered with the overdrive option. I believe this is a more original choice and one that is better to drive. I think kits are available. Moving the chassis cross tube is not difficult and you would need to modify this area in fitting a different gearbox anyway. Graham Stuart, on this forum, is fitting an O/D to his Bristol at the moment so maybe he will add some words of wisdom.

AC Ace Bristol

   Ben Yates does a OD conversion for the Bristol engine /Gearbox.
   This subject has been discussed on the Forum before and covered in ACtion.
   Many club members have carried out this conversion on their Ace and Acecas over the years.
   I believe the OD unit is based on a Ford Transit unit.
   For details re: fitting and price... please contact Ben Yates on:


Thanks for the quick responses! To make matters worse this car already has an O/D gearbox fitted but is not working. This is why the customers request for the five speed he considers this to be a better solution than repairing a 50 year old overdrive! It does not have its original engine and box these came from a Greyhound. Perhaps I can convince him repairing the overdrive would be the best option in this case


If he`s happy to have a 50 year old Aceca and a 50 year old engine & box, what`s the problem with a 50 year old overdrive? Overhauling that would probably cost around the same as the 5-speed conversion! Of course, if he`d like a more modern solution, we could swap his drivetrain for the Triumph 2.5 with 4speed O/D that`s on our Greyhound...[;)]


Overdrive repair may be as straight forward as fixing the solenoid.
   You don't say what model O/D it is n(A-J)
   If you get into gearbox changes you would need to likely  change the prop as well, tunnel mods, matching gear ratios & diff etc.
   Not forgetting the OD ratios(%) should be matched to the engine & diff. The J is available in 25% & 27% ratio of input to output speed.
   I believe that a 27% with 4.2 diff is recommended for the Bristols with a 100 engine but am no expert.
   You seem to be starting from a setup that's all there & hopefully correct except the O/D needs fixing.
   Geoff Dowdle in Australia is in the process of making an adaptor plate conversion for fitting a ford T9 5 speed box to the Bristol 400.
   I am fitting a new overdrive (J) to my Bristol 400 and it came from :  they may be able to offer a exchange/replacement.


The overdrive appears to be Stuck in. the solenoid is good as is the OP rod as it feels free anyway this car has sat for many years and I'm hoping it's just a matter of a strip and clean/free-off. trouble is the remove and refit of the engine and gearbox again! but at least I can do it with my eyes shut now...............
   I'd love to post a picture of the car but don't have a hosting system nor want one so how can I do this?.


Originally posted by minimans
   I'd love to post a picture of the car but don't have a hosting system nor want one so how can I do this?.

   Here is a short description how to post pictures in this forum:


Paul, I thought you could take the O/D unit off of the gearbox without lifting the engine and gearbox out? I'm sure someone will tell us.......
   In any event if the car has been inactive for a long period I suppose the brake band could be 'frozen' in place, just as clutches and friction linings in general tend to do with a little corrosion. I am sure that sorting the O/D will be the easy and original option - and you will have six speeds.


Here are 2 of Paul`s photos of the Aceca, certainly appears to be a great advert for his restoration services!


just a quick update, it has been agreed that we will remove and overhaul the original overdrive unit!!

Gus Meyjes

This thread made me think to fit an overdrive to my Aceca. AC engine, moss box. Would I fit a J-type overdrive?
   Does anybody have any experience doing this?


Yes you can fit a J type overdrive, As far as I can remember we use one of Ben's adaptor housings and fit a New J type over drive.
   Don't forget on the Bristol BWCR gear box's you have to shorten the pot gear.